Book Store

The Easy Way To Buy My Books On Okadabooks

This post is in response to peeps who expressed difficulty in buying my books on the Okadabooks app.

I am here to give you a step by step guide on how to go about it.

  1. Download the Okadabooks app on your Android device, your Blackberry phone (it can’t be anything lower than Blackberry 10) and on your PC.
  2. Register and sign in. You can sign in through your Facebook account.
  3.  Click on Store and you will find the Refill optionokada1
  4. Add the amount you need and click on refill account. It will take you here:
  5. Once you have refilled, go to the STORE and scroll to find Moskeda Pages and you’ll see my books. Click on the one you want to buy. Click buy, purchase it and it’s done!
  6. Lastly, visit ‘My Books’ or ‘Read’ (on PC) and you’ll see the purchased book. On your Android app, you will have to click on download (the down arrow) to get it. Once it’s done, go ahead and read the book.

I hope that was easy?

Now, for those of you who are using iPhones or any other device that can’t work on Okadabooks or you’re having issues with the app, contact me>>> and I’ll let you know how to get it. Please do not drop a comment, telling me you want to purchase it. I will ignore it. Unless you’re telling me that you already sent an email.

And if you have sent an email before and I haven’t replied you, do remind me in the comment box. It could be that your email entered my spam box or I may have forgotten.

If you live outside Nigeria, you can get The Fourth Finger on Smashwords>>>Here

I hope this helps. If it doesn’t, let me know in the comment section.


Author. Screenwriter. Blogger

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  1. Gift says:

    Thanks alot,,didn’t know I have to download the App before getting access to the book,,would download it now,,thanks

  2. salim says:

    my okadabooks app doesn’t connect anymore I’m using bb10

  3. Nice really enjoy reading your books, they are so much filled with inspiration. Thanks Sally


  4. Zainab says:

    Want to buy book or rent

  5. Abdulrasheed mukaila says:

    want to know how is the least price of a novel in akadabook.

  6. Abdulrasheed mukaila says:

    I want to know the least price of a novel in okadabook

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