
On Vacation!

hi guys!

happy new month!

I’m going to be taking a whole month off to work on my book

will be back first week of September, Lord willing

every week I will reblog great posts from other blogs

would love if you share with me your love stories and let me write them for you


meanwhile, have a blessed month

thanks for your support! πŸ˜€


Author. Screenwriter. Blogger

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  1. gid says:

    blissful vacation 2u…anticipating ur book

    1. Thanks, Gideon

  2. Love stories for scripts? What does that mean? And, sup? Get me on the blogroll!! πŸ™‚ How are you? Hope your writing is going well…

    1. Hi Su’eddie
      Lol! I’m not writing scripts oh. That’s just my email. I will get you on my blogroll ASAP! Yes sir!

      1. Oh! I get the picture of the love stories now!! Like I gist you about how my lady and I did this or that or how we did something else… Our love stories and you write. Abi?

        PS: Thank you πŸ™‚

  3. Wait a minute!! Where did that comment you replied with disappear to?
    Hmm… Oh well, let’s see about that. πŸ™‚

  4. Have an awesome vacation! You’ve more than earned it

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