Introducing…Adventures of Kola Onifoto
Sometimes when some stories go viral, you feel maybe they are just myth and they won’t happen again.
One chance is a popular slang at almost every motor park in Nigeria. I mean the slang started from there and it entered the streets and when you hear anyone talk about “one chance”, all you think of is either kidnapping or robbery.
The stories of one chance I heard are of taxis and it happened to me some few years back.

This is what they do..
You might get to be the last person to complete the persons traveling and as you drive a little distance, this event will happen..
1. The driver will go to his boot, open it and shout, he will claim he just saw a full bag of money in the boot.
He will come back in the car and start threatening the bag owner to confess where he got the money from or he will take him to the station..
2. One person in the taxi will claim the bag and start begging the driver.
3. The driver will call your attention to it with other passengers in the taxi who are also part of the gang..
4. They will come to a conclusion of sharing the money..
5. They will seek for your own opinion.
6. The driver will suggest he has a money changer but you guys need to contribute a token so as to be able to take it there..
7. They will even open the top of the bag for you to confirm there is pounds in it..
If you get brain washed by all of this things, they will collect all you have and dump you somewhere or even kill you..
The money in the bag are fakes, just the top of it are the real currency, the others are cardboards and cartons..
So what do you do when you start to hear this conversation?
1. You can start to pretend you are sick and tell them you will alight at a popular bus stop or a public place..
2. Do not join in the conversation..
3. Scream if you can if they are not ready to stop you.
One chance is real and it’s all the same routine all over again..
I was a victim of this about two months ago, almost the same pattern. The money proclaimed was 1 million dollars, imagine!!!!
Thank God say I no get ojukokoro, I told them I wasn’t interested in sharing the money and they dropped me because of that. The interesting thing to note here is while I was in the car, I never even tought it was scam, I believed the story and my saving grace was the fact that I wasn’t interested. It was only after I alighted that I realised I almost got duped. It was like some scales fell off my eyes. A friend said they sometimes use jazz, which could explain the reason for my not doubting the story until after I was dropped. I was just thanking God for my life for the story could have gone in another direction.
Luckily for me, I have not fallen victim to this. I have always escaped from it all thanks to the madness I got from my ghetto
It doesn’t usually happen like this in the Eastern part, Onitsha precisely. Their tactics here are usually subtle though it can also get violent. Being subtle might involve the use of juju or brainwashing if you’re greedy while violent involves forcefully pushing you into the vehicle if you’re on a lonely road or it’s getting late. I’ve been saved loads of times by God and I pray to never meet them again.
Mine happened like this! It’s like they stick to one script! I wrote about it on Naijastories sef (title: Abuja dollars).
I innocently didn’t even think it was a scam while all the discussion was happening. I just wasn’t interested in joining the conversation.
It was when one of the passengers suggested that the driver go somewhere secluded to share the money that I spoke up. I was like “please drop me here!” Even though it wasn’t my stop.
I wonder what they wanted. I was a corper, dressed in my corper uniform sef so I had no money to offer.
I have victim twice once was when I was seeking admission it was around motorways,7up and other when I was servicing at ondo 2015 though both experience I wasn’t beaten or rubbed but den I was been drop places were cars won’t evn stop to carry you but d most important thing is Dnt join d conservation I was asked my opinion I told dem I don’t need it they started abusing me that I will die poor bla bla bla they evn said dey want to take the money to a pastor to pray for it cos ther is charm on it…be careful som of them enter together and it’s mainly those small cab(cabucabu)
If you’re greedy ehn, you’ll always fall into the hands of these wicked men….
Kola is here! So happy