

First of all, No Heart Feelings did not really end. Nope. I ended it. And I will tell you how to get the conclusion in a few minutes.

Second…Fish Brain Vows. It’s coming out during Valentine’s. If you have not read the first parts (Fish Brain Clan and Fish Brain Vows) download it HERE.

I want to thank all of you who have downloaded so far. I get all the alerts on my phone and I see all your names. Thank you. I have been informed that some of you have issues with the app. Please bear with me; I have forwarded your complaints to the publishers and they have been working on it since 7am. Hopefully, it would be resolved and upgraded and you can download the book. Now, also, I understand that some of you don’t want to download the YSHGHubs app and that’s okay. I also asked them the same question when they first told me I had to download it. But permit me, if you would, to explain a few things and make a case for myself.

YSGHubs is doing a great job. No, I’m not working for them. I’m not famzing sef. I’m just a writer and I want to get my work out there without having to struggle with piracy, which I know, cannot be successfully overcome. But the fact is that I am trying and YSGHubs is trying as well.

In Nigeria today, there is no known publishing house that has the ebook option for self-publishing writers. Please if you know one, connect me with them because I took the whole of a year searching and came up with nothing. When I decided to go with YSGHubs I put a lot into consideration and got acquainted with the risks involved. I knew that the greatest issues I would have would be people not wanting to download the app, yet I decided to carry on. Abi is not better than sitting down and saying I have no option? Or is it not better than just putting it for free download on my blog and have everyone copy and pirate it? My aim is not just to have my work out there but to create a system for other writers who want to make a living selling their books electronically. I could have easily sold this book but I’m using it to test the waters, to know how well the app works and to see if people are keen on downloading.

That’s me for you – not afraid to take the first step. I desire to see more writers make a living by writing. Sometimes, people who read for free on blogs have no idea that writing is a full time job that takes time, resources, energy, and it drains brain matter. It is one of the most difficult jobs to do out there and it is sad that in Nigeria the writing culture is trying to die before it even takes root.

I am all for the future of publishing in Nigeria whether on paperback or electronically. I believe that writers should look for ways to get their work out there and that is why I’m working with a few people to see that it happens. But all of this would come to nothing if you, the readers do not support our efforts. I know good writers who have dropped their pens because there is no gain whatsoever in the work. It’s easy to tell them they should be patient and work harder but mehn, we are in tough times and we have to be realistic. The pay, if any, is shit.

For so many of you who come here to read, you have no idea how many times I have felt like not continuing for the reason that I have not made any gain after putting my last stab into my writing. Sometimes I feel like it’s a waste of my time and I should go back to my old job but how will we forge on in literature in Nigeria if everyone works away and no one finds a solution to the problem? Will the literary world also die like everything else that is dying in the country?

It is little steps I take today. Little steps we writers are taking. We need all your support. I cannot overemphasize that. Please, read, comment on, share, download and buy our works. If you have enjoyed reading from me here, please download my book. It is free. You’re not paying a dime. Make my Christmas memorable as I do the same to yours.

Merry Christmas, by the way.

So, I’m done with my appeal. Back to No Heart Feelings. It comes out same time as Fish Brain Vows and it’s free. Despair not, Valentine’s is just around the corner. Until then, I will continue with The Immortals’ Code and a new series Novocain Knights. But that’s after Christmas o. Abeg, me sef wan rest. When all the celebration is over and the world is dull and quiet and you’re bored, I’ll be making your weekends exciting again.

And lastly, if you’re having any issues downloading Fish Brain Clan, please say so in the comment section. For Apple and Windows phones users, I am so sorry it’s not available for you guys yet but hopefully by January, it will be. All bugs with the downloads are being worked on now and will be fixed forthwith. I am still looking for ways to have the book out there so that you can have other options.

Again, compliments of the season.


Thank you for sparing me your time here. I’ll be posting something shortly. Let me take a nap first.


Author. Screenwriter. Blogger

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  1. Bomi says:

    I can’t download the app too cos its says its not available for my device and I use BB9330.

    1. Sally says:

      There’s a nu link. Click on the latest post and get the link or scroll round the site and find the widget for the book and you’ll get it.
      Sorry for all inconveniences.

  2. Winifred says:

    Hi 🙂 I’m having problems downloading fish brain clan…need help..

    1. Sally says:

      There’s a nu link. Click on the latest post and get the link or scroll round the site and find the widget for the book and you’ll get it.
      Sorry for all inconveniences.

  3. amadex says:

    u sayin fish brain vow is nt yet out?wat abt fish brain games?enjoyin fishbrain clan bt nt yet thru.kudos to u

    1. Sally says:

      Fish brain vows comes next year. Fish brain games comes with the one you downloaded.
      And thank u

  4. Don’t worry, Sally. We got your back 100%

    1. Sally says:

      You’re a darling. But if you’re having issues downloading, scroll round the site, find the widget for the book and download from there. Tnx

  5. pgent1 says:

    mami sally merry christmas&hapi new year in advance 2 u…i use a windows phone,am i permited 2 dwnld ur e book,with my friend andriod phone

    1. Sally says:

      U can use ur windows phone now, Israel. As long as u have an pdf reader.
      Just scroll round the site and find the download widget that says ‘get it now’ and download from there

  6. Sally has said it all here! Please support our cause! Download Fish clan brain and tell you friends too.


    1. Sally says:

      Thank you, dear. Hope you’re able to download it? Just scroll up and click on the link and you’ll get it.

  7. James says:

    Well said sally, keep up the good work and we are here to support you. I have downloaded the app and your book but still couldn’t find your book in my playlist

    1. Sally says:

      There’s a nu link. Click on the latest post and get the link or scroll round the site and find the widget for the book and you’ll get it.
      Sorry for all inconveniences.

  8. Hi sally, your effort is well appreciated God bless you. I downladed the YsGhubs a week ago when u first mentioned it. However, when I tried downloading fish brain clan today it said I have downloaded it already which I havent. I dont know where to find it.thanks sally and merry Christmas

    1. Sally says:

      There’s a nu link. Click on the latest post and get the link or scroll round the site and find the widget for the book and you’ll get it.
      Sorry for all inconveniences.

  9. modupe says:

    Madam Sally,shebi u knw dat me I dnt lie.I tried downloading d book all thru service yesterday,I even dropped a comment on d app site sef.bottom line of my long story,I still can’t download.thanks for ur anticipated coperation.

    1. Sally says:

      There’s a nu link. Click on the latest post and get the link or scroll round the site and find the widget for the book and you’ll get it.
      Sorry for all inconveniences.

  10. imohcyril says:

    good job Sally, I really understand with u. me I have downloaded the application and the book But the problem is that I can’t resize the book to fit into my phone screen. reading that way will be so much of a problem for me.

    1. imohcyril says:

      the book is just too large for my phone screen.

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