It's Another Novocaine Saturday

It’s Another Novocaine Saturday #21

Good morning!

Before you get to read today’s episode, I just want to send my heartfelt condolences to everyone who expressed in the comment section that they lost someone dear to them. Please, accept my sympathies. I didn’t know the episode will go that deep. I’m sorry for the sad memories it dredged up. May you all find comfort in God.

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For those of you requesting to read To Tame A Virgin, it is sadly not available at the moment, as it is undergoing revision.

Thank you!

Please click to read today’s episode


Author. Screenwriter. Blogger

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  1. Rida says:

    Thanks you sally for taking the sadness away. I just couldn’t handle it
    Jide…how many times did I call you? How many times? shebi you couldn’t keep your thing inside. you see what is happening to you now?

    Seyi and Hauwa, my favorite couple right now. I love you guys! Team #Sewa

    Mahmud…i will not talk until petite girl talks to wura but if it is that you are playing away match, I will hate you and not even sally can make me like you again

  2. ola says:

    Nice way to start d weekend
    Hoping for a second episode o to compensate for last week

  3. Biodun says:

    Yes! #sewa already looking good.
    Wura and Mahmud stop this play. I’m not liking it o. O ga oooo! bring back our #Woomood
    Lexus is hilarious. She doesn’t know joe? lol. I had a laugh. twas refreshing after the las sad episode.
    I still miss Peace, though

    Love you, Sally

  4. Madam Genesis park well! It is HER wedding! I don’t like selfish people… Wuraooooo, OK ooh. Finally Hauwa don wake loving this abeg Sally don’t dash them wahala. Let their be stress free thank you.

  5. FAITHY says:

    A really long episode.
    i had fun reading esp the xters of HAUWA,HONEY,LEXUS AND GENESIS.
    There’s trouble in paradise for Wura, how do u come out of this one now?
    Im officially team HAUWA &Seyi.

  6. bi says:

    Wow what Γ  Great Way to start thΓ© weekend felt so relieved reading this, thanks Sally, been hoping to hear from Hausey love their matured relationship as for Wura, her calmness was necessary to make right decision. Thanks Sally once again and a great wkend to everyone.

  7. Aibee says:

    At the end my eyes actually popped open. Talk about Tokunbo ke. Rough play.
    Thanks for the message about losing loved ones o, I lost a friend to a road traffic accident at the end of last year, it was horrible.
    Like I said before, not only are your stories captivating and beautifully written, there is always something in them that is very relevant to the times.
    Thanks for all your effort and hard work Sally, God bless you

  8. Toyin says:

    yay thank you for today’s episode simply amazing good to move on from last week’s tragedy. please don’t complicated jide and honey’s life biko. hope wura sort things out. what about boys with toys?

  9. Scribbledheartbeat says:

    I do like the twist and turns.. Happy New year maami Sally..
    The sadness really broke me, thanks for taking it away though..
    Please i do want Mymood and Wura together., whoever out hausa speaking sweetie is she shud just disappear asap..
    Now that been said.. Thanks for this episode., it was lit and worth every word..☺️☺️

  10. Vikki says:

    Mahmood, but what is strong in you sef? Petite kor petite nii…Hauwa n Seyi, keep the love flame burning. Lex n Gen should come to a compromise jor. Big or small, wedding na wedding. Aunty Sally, weehdone ma.

    1. Tosin says:

      Exactly my thoughts. What’s strong in him ??

  11. Fareey says:

    Yayyy…. Team #Hausey. Thank you for this looong and awesome episode. I feel sad for Wura already. Gen should let Lexus have her small wedding naw, kilode? It would even be good for business too. And my #Jiney too ???

  12. interesting as always.

  13. Fragile says:

    Aunty Sally, awesome job as usual. see me scrolling in slow motion so that the episode will not end. lol. One thing ma, I can’t remember if you said Dominic and Lexus are Ijaw but if they are… Hmmm Ijaw girls are not smiling o. Lol. Thank you so much for the episode. Maybe its time for me to pray for a Seyi-Hauwa relationship o (not that i will forget to put on a bra). I’m so laughing at Jide but i’m a teenie bit scared about that baby sha. As for Mahmud, my hand has fallen so far that it detached from my body.

  14. Nnenna says:

    Mahood,dont allow the devil to use u o.

  15. jane says:

    Team Hauwa vs Seyi, Kasi vs Lex all d way love u Sally dear.

  16. Nechi says:

    Please Mahmud and wura have to get back together ?????

  17. Marion says:

    Wow mami Sally u always know how to blow me away, this was good as usual. Aww u have me dreaming of seyi and I like him been with hauwa. Lol at that fake one with the Hausa husband. U kill me babe with the way u write. Mymood take it time oh and stop this rough play wura is for u and no one else. Then lex chill a small private church wedding and a big reception with Joe as ur artist is the top trust me. Thou shalt not blasphem.

  18. Tosin says:

    Mind blowing episode. Sally plssssssss don’t let that baby be Jide’s. I’m appealing on behalf of Honey ????? and what has my mood gotten himself into again ??

  19. Patience Bassey says:

    Thanks for this episode ma’am, but please can you give us an extra episode to soothe us for last week?

  20. why does lexus always remind me of rihanna,as for mahmud,??

  21. All I can say is chai. The wedding Tho, that’s v usually how it plays out. Lexus jeep shld chill ND Cam Dan .. For Seyi, that was so mature. me likey me wanting !! !!!!!! Oshey Jide! Daddy Yo!!!

  22. olabisi says:

    Pls I beg jn the name of God..dont let that baby be jide’s I don’t think i.can survive that..and good for wura sef, she need to treat mymood right

  23. Zainab says:

    Mymood what have you gotten yourself into? I pray it happened that you suddenly had a roommate who has a girl staying with him. Or maybe you met a girl and jumped into marriage with her because the situation with Woo messed with your head. Hope not sha. I’m liking Seyi and Hauwa’s relationship, please don’t stress them oo. Thank you for the refreshing read today.

  24. gbeminiyi says:

    awesome read, Seyi hauwa rooting for you guys. hmm, I dey fear for d away match hide played and it score o..I hope not
    my mood, wat rough play are u playing….benefit of doubt sha abt who d petite lady is
    genesis….u can do small wedding in a lavish way, not until its huge and heaven knows. this is a trick to test ur ability, give her d small wedding she want & make ur clients know u can also plan small but elegant wedding

  25. Amina says:

    From bride maker to baby maker. ..I think the Onuora men have something with polygamy! Just what if Honey sees that selfie! I like the matured way Seyi and Hauwa are going, Seyi is a real senior man o, 45!
    As for Mahmood, even if that babe is a rebound I am still disappointed.
    Genesis should let Lexus have her wedding, if she wants to advertise she should do anniversary party for herself and her husband!

  26. Brownie says:

    Finally Sally feeds the starving eyes lol. Thanks very plenty.
    This episode is worth the wait. Mymood yaff fuck up sha. Jide calm down jare the baby ain’t yours…we hope. Shaa still let sleeping dogs lie. Erm weddings are usually our wedding my marriage…parents almost always end up planning the wedding they want and we just let them indulge bcos..well, they’re our parents. Here, I think Lexus and Genesis should take one step each forward and back and find a common ground.
    This is my longest post ever maybe cos I heard wedding lol. Oya byebye

  27. folakemi says:

    Mr Onuora yaf enter another Wahala pray that baby is not Jiji second oo
    Team Hauwa and Seyi I love their maturity and I guess Lexus needs to stop been a kid…
    Mymood oo what have u gotten urself into that hausa babe had better have a meaningful explanation
    thanks Sally

  28. Folarin says:

    Thank you sally, I really love where seyi n hawau are going. Please don’t break wura n mahmud they are one of my favourite couples. Thank you once again.

  29. Pacesetter says:

    Great Story

  30. Simplygold says:

    Nice read sally. Hausa petite is not for mymood, d suspense is good for Wuraola,(my namesake) sha. Happy for Seyi n hauwa, Genesis will surely be available to ensure celebration at each step is a lit. Sally, please spare our Honey of any heartbreak, dt baby shouldn’t be for Jide, I beg.

  31. Honey says:

    jeeeez!!! abeg who is dat petite gal speaking Hausa??? I hope she is mymood distance cousin playing trick on wura ooo or else I ll vex ni….
    Seyi and Hauwa shd keep slaying ?
    Jide shd better not trying nonsense dat baby is not his joor, plz dnt hurt honey….
    tnx aunty Sally! Next plzzzzz

  32. Kemi says:

    Eeish I feel for Wuraola but I can’t really blame Mymood and I know he still loves her but you can’t keep breaking the heart of a man like that. As for Genesis, make she no use her control freak spoil things o. J am so like Lexus and I can imagine my wedding turning into someone’s wedding I won’t take it cool too.
    My main people Jydo and Honey, Hauwa and Seyi Abeg ride on. I like Men like Seyi though.
    Sally, be putting ideas into my head o with all this men.
    Nice and long read, enjoyed every bit. I rushed it and came back to savour every line, thanks for churning out nice real life stories. By the way, please can you help us hook Saratu with someone good too?

  33. Neymar ? says:

    Read seyi n hauwa part like 4tyms . Looking forward to Wuwu n d lady meeting . Tanz sal

  34. Sandra says:

    A www, loving seyi and hauwa’s love already .. wishing them the best. how come am the only one who has never really liked Mahmud for wura… pls can they break up already for real. Pastor Ralph ti take over jare.
    then on Kemi’s suggestion about hooking Sara up…. me thinking Joey??? the man need to be lucky with love jare… thanks for the post Sally and kisses to u

  35. Seye says:

    Really lovely episode as usual. Never one to disappoint.
    Really good that Honey has finally started living after the loss of the duo of Kate and Peace. Losing a loved one is never easy but one has got to get over it either way. The ish with Jide and Amata is the case of man’s actions living after him. I don’t wanna be him cos it’s a bit funny but very crazy.
    Seyi and Hauwa are “slowly and steadily building up something”, and I like that.
    Gen dey form typical Naija mom. These people take your wedding from you and turn it into a carnival. Me I want to see how they settle things sha.
    OK, ok…I knew it! I knew the mess Mahmood was on about was a daughter of Eve. Now, it’s not time to see who’s guilty but I really wish they overcome this, and end up together. I just wish, Sallly decides πŸ˜€
    Big ups Sally, blessings.

    1. faithy says:

      Mr Seye, pls release BEST MAN DUTY nau. I have refreshed this page a thousand times because of it. whats happening?

  36. meedee says:

    Uh’huh i’m just going to keep a surprise look on my face and not say anything even if i see mahmud, i go just dey look them like mumu, i no dey like all dis kind rough play, He should just organise himself abeg.

  37. Olusade says:

    don’t know what to say right now…….thumbs up to a great work

  38. Jay says:

    You guys are more of a β€˜stay at home and cook and eat’ kind’a couple. Not β€˜eat in an expensive restaurant’ kind’a couple. Nice line Sally.

    Maybe when I am 45 like Seyi, i will be able to control myself when i find unclad boobs. I really wanna be like Seyi when i grow up, cos seriously, i would have crossed the bridge countless times with Hauwa if i were Seyi. lol

  39. Ceey says:

    Thanks Sally, Please nothing should happen to Wura and Mymood ooooo, am so rooting for both of them to be back together. Hauwa and Seyi are so cute ……….I dont think Honey can handle any more drama from Jide, so please that baby needs to stop looking like him. Thanks so much for this, Cheers

  40. Adeshina omotayo says:

    Abeg make you tell Jide to stop all dis nonsense, cos honey is perfect for you, what else?
    And as for wura and mahmud, ogbeni e stop play-play joor.. Thanks so much aunty sally

  41. Dupe says:

    Awwwww, Mahmud why na?
    As usual Sally, you are d bomb!

  42. ayo says:

    It is a ghen ghen something fr mymood…. woo should just let go abeg..
    Seyi n Hauwa… nice leap.. Sally, can u pls tell me where I can find the reality type of seyi? I so much need one now… lol… no jokes though.
    Tonbra n Gen will definitely sort tins out..
    Tanks so much Sally.. muuaaahhhh

  43. Toyenlon says:

    So happy for Hauwa, at last she and Seyi are official…nice one.

  44. imhollarmii says:

    Whao!!! Sally u r so, swt luv dat Saratu Part…..LOL. Mymood shuld jst fix up d mess he did ooo, Oga Gen abeg do allow Lex av her pefect wedding plan its nt urs oo. Hauwa & Seyi luv ur style of luv jare. I pray dat child shuldnt b Jide own shaa cos i cant stand any seperation from d luvly couples. Thanks Sally 4 dis interesting episodes…

  45. I know I already said this is an amazing episode but sally the blog has been silent for like a week plus now. Hope your and your family are fine

  46. I’m not gonna judge until I read the next episode, but I hope that babe isn’t mahmud’s rebound chick cos that would make it officially so that all men in this series jump on top other women as soon as they have issued with their women. Let me go and read the next episode.
    Still love this series to death though

  47. AOS says:

    I can relate jare Lex, when you want something small but certain people wants to do show off.
    Well done madam Sally?????

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