African Literature, Writers' Resource

CFWriterz Magazine Calls For Entries For Its 2018 Edition!

CFwiterz is pleased to announce a new special issue for June 2018 focusing on the theme “Burn.” We do not particularly restrict content or style, we only ask that you bring on the best of your craft. Our writing platform focuses on Africa and Nigerians, we welcome entries from all over Africa despite starting out as a Nigerian owned platform. We offer you a great opportunity to showcase your strength and voice as an African writer. Read more about us here.

Africa has gone through a lot and presently the discussions surrounding the continent constitute burning issues. We see and hear these stories but can you make it come alive in a unique way?

Entrants may submit up to three previously unpublished poems, and up to 3,000 words for fiction and non-fiction.

Simultaneous submissions are accepted. However, if your work is accepted elsewhere, you need to notify us. Work in translation is welcome.

The entry period ends on May 15, 2018. Anticipated publication is ending of June 2018.

Submit your entry using our submission page, remember to add to the title of your entry “#June2018.” To submit, please follow this link.


Benefits include:

  1. Awards to top 5 entries in all three categories.
  2. Cash remuneration to top entries. Up to 100,000 naira in cash prizes.
  3. Widespread readership of minimum target 5,000 readers worldwide. Kindly recommend your friends to join our Elite readers here. 
  4. Publishing in our this edition of the “Freedom” Magazine run by cfwriterz community.


Author. Screenwriter. Blogger

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