African Literature, Featured Blogger, poems

Clamoring You

Here’s something from Yakori to start your day:

Unwrapping your sheet, my crave forΒ 
your bitter sweetness blossoms to anΒ 
addiction hence I stare lustfully at you.Β 

Taking a bite, it melts in the warmthΒ 
of my mouth, stirring tingles ofΒ 
sensuality buried in my core.

Swirling in me, its smoothness gets meΒ 
to revel in its power to enthrall myΒ 
senses, loosening my defensive knots.Β 

So creamy it rouses my yearn toΒ 
indulge more of its taste, endeared toΒ 
you like my crush, I blush shyly.

Together we entwine inadvertentlyΒ 
making love in waves, inducing a moanΒ 
you’ll aways remain my aphrodisiac, lindt chocolate.Β 

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  1. Nwanne says:

    Sigh. It is one addiction I wish I could go back to.

  2. Yakori says:

    You sure did well curbing chocolate cravings, though you can occasionally revel in it’s rich, creaminess :-). Thanks for reading, I’m glad.
    God bless.

  3. Kay says:

    Oooooh, chocolate porn. Yakori, this is not fair for you to talk about chocolate this way when like Nwanne, I swore to deal with that addiction.
    so not fair
    beautiful poem…as always
    teach me to write like you
    and oh, the twist!

  4. Yakori says:

    We all are dealing with chocolate addiction at some point in our lives. Just reading the poem myself got me craving as I haven’t had any chocolate in over 3 months. I think I’ll want to have a chocolatey-rendezvous sometime soon, lols…

    Thanks for reading, I’m humbled and grateful.
    Blessings to you. πŸ™‚

  5. Atoba says:

    Lol..I did guess that it was the Lindt chocolate in particular from the 2nd line i think..and that’s because saying that I can relate is an understatement. Sweet way to start the day, thanks Sir.

  6. Yakori says:

    ‘the bitter sweetness’ is the twist I used in describing chocolate, :-D…
    Thanks for popping in to read, much appreciated. I’m a Miss by the way not a Sir.. Lols
    God bless..

  7. topsy says:

    Beautifully done…..Respect!!!!

  8. Yakori says:

    Thanks for dropping in with your comment, I’m grateful.
    Blessings to you.

  9. Yassir says:

    Flabbergasted. I doff my hat #RESPECT

  10. Yakori says:

    Thanks ocean loads buddy for breezing in with your thoughts. I’m humbled and my gratitude has no bounds.
    Lots of blessings to you. πŸ™‚

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