
Dear High Mistress Fans…PLEASE READ

Good afternoon, fam

I know this isn’t a post you want to see here right now. Nothing less than Dear High Mistress will make you guys happy.

Unfortunately, we’re not having an episode of that today.

I want to make some announcements.

>The first is about Love, Your Enemy. I will be postponing the release of the book till September. I have encountered some technical difficulties finishing it.

First, I recently concluded the first part of Stranger In Lagos, which took me quite some time to finish. It left me rather drained.

Secondly, I got into a β€˜no write’ period. I wasn’t able to put down anything. It was not that I was suffering from writer’s block. No, I don’t suffer from that. Rather, it had to do with the desire to write. My writing process involves the inspirational and the technical. Inspiration can keep me writing a seven-thousand word episode in a few hours. Technical is what helps me clean the post up to make it better. Normally, before I do both, I’d jot down each scene and plot the story well, listing out details and even dialogues sometimes that won’t leave my head. So, recently, all I had working for me was the plotted and the technical part. Inspiration was gone. I just couldn’t flow without the story coming off as mechanical and stiff. And having to write that with Dear High Mistress was difficult, so I dropped #LYE and concentrated on Dear High Mistress until I ran out of steam.

It’s believed by some that Sally can go on and on without running out of inspiration. Well, this is a day that such assumption is proven wrong. Personal problems are to blame for my lack of desire. I have been struggling with something in my life lately and this has affected my pen. I do feel myself returning and I hope to resume today to continue with the story. Please, pray for me to get back that juice. The concluding chapters of The Fourth Finger were torn down and restarted just five days before the deadline I gave. There’s nothing I can’t accomplish when my fingers are on fire. I just need to get back in that place.

>Love, Your Enemy will be undergoing a title change. Based on advice which I initially rejected, I am now changing the title to something else. I will reveal that when the book cover drops. The reason for this is that the name is easily confused with β€˜love your enemy’, which is a common quote in Christianity. This could affect book sales by selecting a Christian audience and driving away the non-Christians. Not everyone who sees the book online reads this blog to know that the story is about Pastor Love. They may assume that it’s a non-fictional Christian book teaching about loving one’s enemies.

It was difficult to accept this change since the title means much to me. But i think it’s for the best.

>This blog may have to move to Facebook in the near future. This would be for those who have been asking to subscribe to read. I will add members to a secret Facebook group where they can get access to ongoing series. As one of the few online writers left standing who started almost six years ago, I think I have tried with freebies. It’s sad that people still send me emails to ask me why some posts are not for free. I once said I will get tired of talking. This is the time. I am tired. My hosting package for this blog costs some good money. Towards the end of each month, I am told that my bandwidth is almost running out because of heavy traffic. Yet on a post of 2,000 views, I get only 20, 30 comments. I don tire. I want to drop my hosting package to a cheaper one, reduce traffic here since the blog doesn’t generate much ads and get value for the hard work I do from paid subscriptions. Nobody who wants to make it in life does freebies. Because of my kindness, I have gotten insults. Yet the same people will pay thousands to buy other authors’ works and still kiss their asses.

So, come September or October, this blog will move to the new hub for online content which is now social media. That’s where everything is happening. I will restructure this and make it a place for posting excerpts, other writers’ works and for book sales, so that those who don’t get to read the subscribed stuff can still buy my books directly from me.

>Olajumoke Omisore, the writer of Girls, apologizes for being unable to continue her series. She is busy with her job and can’t continue. Fatimah who shares Omoge Campus with us faced some issues as well. Same with Ibukunwrites. With Ibukun, I had to personally discontinue the series because I didn’t want a situation where y’all be kept waiting another long time for more episodes. I apologize on all their behalf.

Guys, things are no doubt changing around here. Life has become more complicated and difficult, especially if you live in Nigeria. I miss the days when I didn’t have to sweat too much to earn a good pay. Writing was bliss then. This blog was awesome. Readers were as generous with comments as I was with giving series freely. But things have changed on both sides. It would have been fun to continue with the way things were but it’d be unfair to me and to those who diligently stop by to encourage me.

Difficult decision to make, but it has to be done.

Dear High Mistress continues next Saturday. The Marriage Ultimatum as well. I can’t give details about Stranger In Lagos yet but it’s ready. When it launches, you’ll be the first to know.

I can never get tired of thanking everyone who comes here to comment, share, buy my books, and drop encouraging comments on social media and via email. God bless you. And for those of you who only make up the numbers and still ask for freebies, I am not understanding you o. Ghost mood would soon be deactivated.

Anyways, I love you all like that.

Enjoy your Sunday!


Author. Screenwriter. Blogger

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  1. Olamide says:

    Awww Sally. I appreciate you. Thanks for being so generous. Wherever you are moving to, I’ll be there with you. May the Lord continue to bless and prosper the works of your hands. I eagerly await all the juicy stories. Have a blessed week.

    1. Sally says:

      I appreciate your presence here, Olamide

      Thank you

  2. bellax says:

    I’m so sorry for all that you’re going through.
    I’m very confident everything will be just fine.

    Weldone with stranger in lagos. We patiently await the next episode of DHM and the launching of SIL,L’YE and IANS ??

    God bless you sis.
    We love you!

    1. Sally says:

      Bellax, bless you darling. You know I love you

  3. ola says:

    Sally…I pray God grants u d inspiration needed
    I miss u like kilode

    1. Sally says:

      Thank you, Ola

  4. Mariam says:

    I often wonder how you break even Sally with the plenty free stuff. No matter how it goes, you know I am your number one fan. Love always ❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️

    1. Sally says:

      I love you plenty, hun

  5. Bookunmie says:

    May God strengthen you Sally, He ll also fight and win all ur battles. Ur books has always bin my soul lifter, ur pen ll never run dry. Forgive we ghost readers.

    1. Sally says:

      Amen to all your prayers and may God answer yours as well

  6. Ejiro says:

    Hello Sally,

    Im one of the ghost readers but i always buy your books. So i will be subscribing to your new channel. God bless the work of your hand and your pen.

  7. Sally, ,this ur post is both good night bad news.. Anyways, all the same u r great ma’am. Me I sha want to being that facebook group o or I’ll start crying from now on. ..
    I love u
    Happy Sunday

    1. Sally says:

      Lol. It’s all good in the end. We’ll find a way to get a good arrangement when it’s all said and done

  8. Iyanu says:

    Awwwn my sweet aunt Sally you are a darling and always loved ?❀️

    1. Sally says:

      I love you too

  9. Zainab says:

    I pray you get your flow back soonest. With you all the way, whatever works best for you.

    1. Sally says:

      Thank you, dear Zainab

  10. Eunice says:

    I hardly go on facebook. But anything for you Sally.
    I’m sure you will be fine. God’s got you and you are blessed.

    1. Sally says:

      My gratitude, Eunice

  11. Gerald says:

    Felt it that you’re going through stuff. Just that my busy self couldn’t make out time to check on you.
    I trust you to come back better soon.
    We love you.

    1. Sally says:

      Thank you, dear Gerald

  12. Favour says:

    Wherever you go I will follow

    paid or free reads, am All in, I love your writing that much

    1. Sally says:


  13. You take ur time to share your feelings with us, it shows you put ur all in this art you love…….God bless you

    1. Sally says:

      Bless you as well, Willy

  14. Seye says:

    Thank you Sally. You kukuma know I can relate very well. There’s a lot to write in my head but many issues keep cropping up. Defied my rule to not write on my phone and I started but life is jut cheating me, leaving me with too much to struggle with that I can’t even sit and write.
    Many of us are going through stuff and we believe The Almighty to help us out.
    That said, I will be here as you release ’em books, and i’ll buy and read. Wifey jut got Moskeda inducted and she waxes lyrical about your stories.
    As for the juice, it’ll flow well with enough sauce added too. Remember Naomi and Ruth? Anywhere you go, I’m gon’ go with you.

    1. Sally says:

      Awww, thank you plenty, Seye.

  15. Datoks says:

    Sally dear, just hang in there., i know you will get the inspiration u need. And the Lord will come through for you in whatever you are going through. It is well with you

    1. Sally says:

      Amen, Datoks.

      Bless you!

  16. Carah says:

    I love the way you take your time to explain things to us. It shows u really see and value us alongside work.Everything will be fine Sally. You have been a generous writer all this while so I understand where you are coming from. I hope and pray you get that juice back soon. Stay strong and God bless you.

    1. Sally says:

      Amen, dear Carah. Thank you for your support

  17. Ejibabe says:

    Hi Sally it’s well with you, I pray GOD continues to give u inspiration. How ever I want it may GOD direct u in which path to go. D sky is Ur limit, grow higher cos it’s all going to end in praise. Thanks for been u

    1. Sally says:

      Amen and amen.

      God prosper you, Ejibabe

  18. Jk says:

    You are very very generous Sally. As much as I enjoy reading free stories I feel a little guilty doing so because they are too good to be for free. That’s why I try to buy all your books.

    I am sure we will get the details when the time comes on how to join the new group.

    I have a request, Can you please extend your ebooks to amazon?

    1. Sally says:

      Thanks a lot, JK.
      I have The Fourth Finger on Amazon. I Will put new ones there in the future

  19. Ritzy says:

    Ok. I am one of those pple that feel you can write on and on and never run out of inspiration or juice. And I still believe so…
    More ink and inspiration to your pen. Love u Sally!!!! You still my number one!

    1. Sally says:

      I love you, bae

  20. Chinwendu says:

    My amazing Sally… this post makes me feel some kind of way o, I can literally feel how difficult it is for you to do this but you are absolutely right. Freebies won’t pay the bills. I will continue to support you, whatever model you choose but ultimately, I pray God blesses you and your family. May this gift he has abundantly blessed you with open unexpected doors for you from every corner of the earth. You are loved. Sally for President!

    1. Sally says:

      Thank you, dear
      God bless you and yours and grant all your heart’s desires

  21. U are strengthened MA.. God will uphold u. Pls I didn’t understand the part where u said ud add ur readers to Facebook. Pls enlighten me

    1. Sally says:

      There will be a secret Facebook group that not anyone can get into unless I add them. This would be after they subscribe

  22. Engr.Wissy says:

    The amazing Sally wants to go ghost mode on us. We would all abide by the new rules and regulations. We promise to change accordingly. So therefore we accept all changes beginning with my humble self

    1. Sally says:

      Hahaha! You no get problem, Wissy

  23. AOS says:

    Too much juice too much sauce and too much inspiration will fall on you bcuz where ever you go I will go with you. God will always be with you and your family. And the grace of God will uphold the work of your hands. Amen.
    Do have a wonderful week.

    1. Sally says:

      You too, my dear
      Bless you!

  24. Peter says:

    Aunty Sally thank you for the explanation. Yes in a way it wasn’t what we expected but you did tell us beforehand that this might happen. You’ve got strong followers and we want to say whatever decision you make we’d follow you. I’ve bought your books before and wouldn’t still mind buying more if it means I get to read your work. Thank aunty Sally. Come out bigger and stronger

    1. Sally says:

      Amen, Peter. Thank you so much

  25. Ceey says:

    Awww Sally, so sorry about what you are going through. May the Lord strengthen you and give you more inspiration. Your gift will always bring more blessings to you……..any which way we go follow u…..na you na. Stay blessed dear

    1. Sally says:

      Bless you richly, Ceey

      Thanks muchos

  26. Gracious says:

    The Lord is your strength. He is got ur back n He will never forsake u.

    1. Sally says:

      Amen, Gracious
      Thank you

  27. Scribbledheartbeat says:

    Madam Sally.. i was about suing you sef because i’ve missed DHM so much.. But I understand how hard it is for a writer to focus and write good stories like yours..
    As for inspiration,God will do a good work of filling you to the brim with that and many more.. Thanks for the explanation too..
    My regards to Olajumoke. Fatimah and Ibukunwrites i miss them all too much…
    Whatever decision you take, I am all behind you.. Will be awaiting your comeback because i know it will be Epic.. Have a blessed week ahead maami..??

    1. Sally says:

      Enjoy your week too.
      You’re always a blessing

  28. Etoya says:

    Go do your thing mama…we would be waiting for you. Much love

    1. Sally says:

      Gracias, Etoya

  29. consyspark says:

    I am worried. I don’t know why but I am. I hope you find your way to that desire that makes you write. All personal problems sorted out and all. LL be praying for you.

    1. Sally says:


      Thank you, Conzy

  30. James says:

    Uhmmm, well, I’m in support of whatever you do because it’s not easy to continue to do what is neither paying off nor been appreciated. I just hope that the terms and conditions will favor me *wink*. I don’t mind parting with my money for your work. I pray that God will continue to strengthen you and always make all resources available to you.

    1. Sally says:

      The arrangement will work well, I promise.

      Thank you, James

  31. Biola says:

    Thank you Sally for always sharing with us. ??????????????????????????????????????????????

    1. Sally says:

      Thank you for the many kisses


  32. loolah says:

    Sally wherever u go i shall follow, i am one of those one day on and one day off commenter but it is mostly because of the network. sometimes the thing keeps acting strange. I pray that the Lord help you in every area of your life and may the juice come back as soon as possible with plenty sauce sef. whatever you choose to do, me am solidly behind you. Cheers!!!

    1. Sally says:

      Many thanks, Loolah

  33. Thanks sally … we really appreciate your kind gesture ma

    1. Sally says:

      And I appreciate your presence here

  34. calabar gal says:


    I appreciate you all the same and everyday. I marvel at your tenacity too. U got to do what you have to do. I am right behind u. did I mention ‘Patience’ is my middle name? πŸ™‚

    Remain blessed.

    1. Sally says:

      And you too, dear

      Thanks for the love

  35. Just Dotun says:

    Do what you must dear Sally, we are with you all the way.

    1. Sally says:

      Bless you, dearest

  36. Nwanne says:

    Right behind you Sally. I hope the zeal / inspiration to write returns soon. Well done!!!

    1. Sally says:

      Thank you, Nwanne

  37. Turban Girl says:

    I am so bummed out!! Love, Your Enemy was going to be one of my birthday gifts to myself, I had been salivating on how I would read it, I even reactivated my okada book account in expectation and the title is getting changed. I do understand the mix up with the title, but I loved the title. On every other thing, which am not fully understanding, as long as you are not quitting writing and your work would still be available, no wahala.
    Nigeria is really tough at the moment, but like I always pray for myself and peeps, may we not all be washed away by the biting times, but come out as conquerors, by the unending grace of God.
    Cheers Sally

    1. Sally says:

      Bless you, Turban Girl


  38. Adetolaa says:

    Hello Sally

    First, I’d loveeeee to say a big thank you for the beautiful things you write and give to us for free. ?. I also want to apologise for being a ghost reader for 4years now. I am totally sorry. I’m subscribed to u, sometimes share ur work and have told a great deal of people about u. Someone once asked if i know u personally while talking abt you. I am a very shy somebody … reason why i find it hard to comment . Henecforth, i promise to drop a word. At least a thank you.

    I pray the good Lord continues to strength you, inspire you, give u a head way in whatever u do and bless your Family immensely.

    Love, Tola ?

    1. Sally says:

      I should ding a bell for you, Tola

      Thank you for popping in and dropping this.

  39. dami says:

    I appreciate alllllllllllllll you do here …been following you for ever and the paid and free books are all top notch…quality has not dimmed because they are free stories. I would keep checking and checking….even though i am not a face-book fan…wherever you go sally with your series…i would follow

    P:S- Sometimes i really cannt post comments on here…did you get my last dm on twitter? i always reach out there even when i cannot post here cos i appreciate all you do.


    1. Sally says:

      Thank you so much, Dami

      I will check the DM on Twitter. I always respond to DMs, though.

      About commenting here, some people have difficulties. I do understand. I still appreciate you being here

  40. Amina says:

    God bless you and all your handwork Sal. I hope you know you have my best regards always.

    1. Sally says:

      Thank you, Amina

  41. Oluwatofunmi says:

    I’m actually just reading this….wow! I feel bummed. I know I’m one of the newbies on here but I appreciate you and your whole work a lot. Got to know you through Elsiesy’s blog and I got hooked. I know, I know, I really should buy your books.. I really do but don’t mind me…God go provide.

    As for inspiration, I can relate on all fours. Totally abandoned a book I started since last year just cos I didn’t have it inside of me to push. But you are gifted and I trust God to renew your strength, refresh your mind and reignite your fire. Pele dear.**hugs.

    And I would do better….I would comment more ??

    1. Sally says:

      Oluwatofunmi, thank you so much. Glad to have you here. I do pray you find that juice to finish that book

  42. Fsf says:

    Lol,at the last sentence.Sally dear God is with you.Trust me all your books keep me on edge.We were arguing on Okadabooks on Instagram about good books and screen.Your change is coming keep at it.You are a versatile and educative person.See how to make more from your passion.Please don’t quit writing just yet.All the blogs I used to follow ,all of them stopped writing because of this same issue

    1. Sally says:

      Thank you, FSF

      It’s really difficult, dear. I totally understand why they stopped. For many, the feedback kept them going as well.

      I pray everyone finds the strength to keep doing they love doing.

  43. Lizzy says:

    Aunty Sally thank u, I really love u nd the things you do. I pray God grants you favour

    1. Sally says:

      Amen, Lizzy. Thank you

  44. Dami says:

    I will be more than willing to pay for any book you write, now and forever. keep up the good work. You are a great inspiration to many writers out there.

    1. Sally says:

      I am honored. Thank you

  45. Reni says:

    Hi Sally, I hope you get your juice back…and about the comments, e jor e ma binu?

    I don’t really know how to buy books online…maybe you could add a few guidelines to some of your posts to help those of us who have this challenge.

    I wish you all the best.

    1. Sally says:

      Hi Reni. There’s always an option to pay directly to my account. A lot of people buy my books that way.

      Thank you for being here

  46. Dammie says:

    Sally dearie,
    I am rooting for you baby girl. Whatever it takes, i’ll be here for you. I apologize for my ghost activities on this site and I pray that the tide will turn in your favor very soon.
    Be rest assured that the world will one day celebrate your ingenuity and literary prowess. God bless you and your family.

    Love always,

    1. Sally says:

      You’re appreciated, Dammie. Thank you, dear

  47. Carole says:

    I have always been a silent fan but I decided to speak out today. You far too kind Sally. God bless your hand work

    1. Sally says:

      God bless you too, Carole

  48. Made says:

    Thanks Sally for always keeping us updated. :*

    Inspiration fall on you πŸ˜€

    1. Sally says:

      Lol. Amen!

  49. Rikitava says:

    I don’t need to say much, mama you know now.carry go any platform and I’ll be there. God bless you plenty.

    1. Sally says:

      I know, sweetheart
      I love you

  50. fdee says:

    Well done Sally
    It is well.God perfect all that concerns you
    I must confess I don’t comment but Ispread the word ….
    Don’t worry,we are ffg you ,free or not free.
    More grease to your elbow. Welldone

  51. Florence says:

    What a wonderful job you are doing. Am sorry I didn’t say it earlier, have been a fan since 2013 and have read your books also bought where applicable. I can’t wait for your next release and also promise to come out of my ghost mode. ? love ❀ you Sally

  52. gbemmy says:

    Its well with you…… The lord is with u. Every where u go (MTN voice), you madee know abt okada books and I do buy
    I am expecting lots of books from u
    God is ur strength

  53. You’re always an inspiration to upcoming writers like me. I can totally relate with the issue of no inspiration to write. Just take time to rest and sort all that needs to be sorted. You’ll be fine mentor.

  54. Modus says:

    My dear Sally! You have tried your best! How much would it cost to be a member? I honestly would not mind paying…but alas I’m not on FB anymore since I went back to school. As far as I’m concerned use your website to promote your work. Put up a blurb and a chapter or exerpts of chapters, then sell. You are a brilliant writer

  55. I’m sorry about all you are going through Sally, God will ease everything for you. I will be willing to move with u on any platform I’m not a fan of Facebook but I will use it cos of you. Just know I’m one of your biggest fan, love from here

  56. Funmilola Adekola says:

    Keep it up dear! Some of us are your die hard fans and we’ll follow you all around the world if that’s what it takes to keep reading your stories. I’ve been a bit miserly with comments as well but e be as e get! Anyways God dey, however it turns out, it will only be for your good. Keep the faith dear.

  57. I love you Sally and I’ll go wherever you decide to take us. Stay great and every other thing will pass. ❀❀❀

  58. Funshowell says:

    Well done Sally. May God keep u and yours

  59. Lilian says:

    So appreciative of your work. Sorry for letting you down by not commenting. Anywhere you decide to move you have a dedicated follower in me. I’ve bought every book that I know that you have written. Do keep up the good work and don’t be weary because in due time, everything will surely come together.
    PS: so it’s really till September, she I’ve got to learn patience.
    Thanks for sharing your gift

  60. Olah says:

    I am a ghost reader and I hardly comment on here because I am lazy. Too lazy to appreciate good work and I apologize for that. But what I won’t apologize for is loving your work and blog. I think I follow you everywhere like a creep. There’s no book you’ve put of for sale that I haven’t bought because I believe it’s money well spent. You are an amazing person inside and out. Your writing is beautiful. So if you like go to the moon. I’m following you??. If you like make us pay for the new change. I will pay. At least I know that this is the only blog that I will die on. God bless you Sally. You’re the best ?

  61. maye says:

    Hi Sally, I’m so sorry for being lazy. I w

    1. maye says:

      I promise to always comment now, I fell deeply into your blog and now it’s always refreshing. I’ve read all your books, published. Even wishing for hard copies.

  62. Olamide says:

    Dear Sally, My Sally, Our Sally. I really don’t comment when I read your books, am guilty, am so sorry about that. About your personal challenges. I pray God meets you at every point you call on Him. And that muse to write, will come back very soon. And for the record, everywhere you, I will follow just lemme know on time so I can start packing as well. Oh my! Love your enemy is a book I can spend my last dime o. Still waiting for it.
    Everyone in my house reads you book, we even do all night sometimes. Sleep won’t just come until one finish those stories. Have been spreading the news of your books to families and friends.
    Keep doing what you are doing Sally. We are proud you. Much Love!

  63. gbemmy says:

    Wow, its well. But no qualms, am always with u even if I don’t always comment. I got to know okada books through u so I will gladly pay to read u but pretty pls don’t exclude me from ur powerful paradise
    Thank you

  64. ojay says:

    Hi Sally, been awhile. Pele for the difficulties, just know that this too shall come to pass. I have actually been trying to pay for the online book but have been encountering some challenges with the login n registration process on okada books. Take care and wish you all the best

Comments are closed.