The Fourth Finger

The Fourth Finger #5

If you missed last night’s post, check it out Here.


He was in a good mood, manifest in his kisses and the soft nibbles he left on her ear. Lade squirmed and giggled at the lunch table, hardly eating her meal. Tayo was halfway with his and suggested they moved to the bedroom.

β€œI have ten minutes to spare.”

Her smile was wide. He dragged her off her chair. The moment they got into their bedroom, he was all over her; but with each kiss and touch, her conscience stabbed her.

On Christmas day, she had let another man do the same things Tayo was doing to her body.

Here’s what happened:

Tayo had abandoned their date in the middle of the movie they were seeing and told her he needed to catch up with the friend he had met earlier on their way to the mall. Lade was not happy about the development. Leaving a peck on her cheek, he gave her permission to make the most of her day. Her curfew was 9pm. When she was done and ready to get home, she was to call the Uber driver who had chauffeured them earlier. The guy would take her home, granted he was not busy on another trip.

At first, Lade didΒ not desire to take the bait but then she remembered how her past Christmases, before she met Tayo, were always fun with friends. Each year, someone organized a party; particularly, a guy called Manny whose full name was Emmanuel. His birthday was on Christmas day. It was rare not to have him throw a party.

But it wasn’t Manny she called when she was through with her movie. She had done well to pretend Manny did not exist over the years. He used to have a major crush on her before Tayo came into the scene but she chose Tayo over him because Tayo was more focused and embodied the goals of the type of man she wanted in a husband while Manny was fun and wild and showed no signs of settling down. However, her decision to pick Tayo, as she was later told, had broken Manny’s heart. He had shut the door on her since then.

Enduring the movie which suddenly became boring, Lade phoned a friend, Lulu. There came a loud scream at the other end the moment Lulu heard her voice on the line. Next, she informed their mutual friends who were with her that Lade was on the line and wanted to come over for their annual party. They hadn’t seen her since they paid her a condolence visit over the death of Ife. Before then, none of them bothered turning up at her door because of Tayo’s cold attitude towards them.

She wanted to make it up to them, she told Lulu. What could she bring to the party?

They wanted more drinks. It was a good thing she was at the mall. Lade went to pick some liquor.

β€œAnd a gift for Manny,” Lulu added. β€œThat’s the only way you can get back in his good graces.”


β€œIt’s his birthday, silly. Abi you’ve forgotten?”

No, she hadn’t. She was just hoping that somehow he wouldn’t be there.

Lade ambled around the mall for a while, wondering what she would get for him. She finally settled for an Eau De Toilette gift set. It cost her some good money and she knew Tayo would question her about her bank transaction details since her notifications also got into his email box. He had linked her email account with his a few days after their wedding and since then, had access to all her messages.

After shopping, Lade dialed the Uber driver, whose name was Sule. He came to get her in less than ten minutes. They had a hearty conversation about the economy on their way to Lulu’s place. When he dropped her off, she told him to come back for her when the clock struck half past eight. She gave him one of the drinks she bought as a Christmas present.

With her veins bubbling in excitement, Lade entered Lulu’s house. She received a cheerful welcome with hugs and kisses. The party had not yet begun. The girls were preparing small chops and catching up on their lives that had been taken over by work and men. Lade joined in but soon after, the conversation centered on her and why she abandoned them. She gave them long explanations, none that painted Tayo in a bad light, but her friends did not take kindly to her reasons. In the end, it became a β€˜bashing Tayo’ affair and all Lade could do was sit and take it all in. It hurt that they had unkind words to say about him but she knew they were right. Tayo deserved it.

The party kicked off by six and soon people began to troop in. Manny came in at a quarter to seven and upon sighting Lade, gave a wink. From where she stood in the room holding a glass of wine, she smiled back. Through the course of the party they exchanged flirty glances but they didn’t have the chance to talk to each other until much later when it was almost time for her to leave. She had walked up to him and pulled him away from a group of girls who didn’t seem too pleased. He dragged her towardsΒ Lulu’s bedroom butΒ was too impatient to get behind closed doors beforeΒ heΒ heldΒ her in a tight hug.

β€œGod! I missed you, Lade.”

She wanted to echo his words but she held her tongue.

β€œI got you something.”

She handed her gift.

β€œThat’s sweet, baby. Thank you.”

He barely looked into the gift bag. His eyes were on her. Unexpectedly, he put his hand behind her head and gave her a kiss.

Initially, she pushed away from him but when he didn’t budge, she settled for the kiss and the same hand that pushed him, found itsΒ way around his neck. Perhaps it was that she had taken too much wine. Or maybe Manny looked handsome in the dim lights of Lulu’s house. Or probably all the bad talk about Tayo had left something in her that steered her emotions towards Manny. She didn’t know which was responsible for her misbehavior but she was certain she didn’t want Manny to stop kissing her.


β€œWhy did you marry him, baby?” Manny paused for a second. She pushed him into Lulu’s room and shut the door.

β€œYou knew how much I wanted you, how much I loved you. Why did you settle for a man who treats you less than you deserve? He cut you off from everyone and even from your dreams. You could have been a mega superstar now. Why did you do this to yourself, Omolade?”

Tears burned her eyes.

β€œI’m not letting you go again,” he said. β€œNot now that I have you in my arms after all these years.”

β€œManny, I am not leaving him.”

β€œYou will. I’ll make sure you do.”

His lips found hers again. They went further than the first kiss. Manny’s hands toured her body and she responded even though her commonsense begged her not to. To some extent, what Manny did to her was beyond sexual. It was freedom and rebellion. It was new. And she loved it.

She only snapped back to reason when his hand went between her legs. She pushed him away.

β€œI have to go,” she said, noting that Sule was calling.

β€œWhen will I see you again?”

β€œWe can’t…”

β€œI just have to see you again, Lade.” He kissed her palm and held her fingers between his lips. β€œShould I call you?”

β€œNo. I’ll call instead.”

β€œAre you sure?”


They kissed once more and he walked her outside where Sule was waiting.

β€œI’ll miss you.”

She gave him a hug but he went for one last kiss which she couldn’t stop. On her way home, guilt began to settle. She carried on a phone conversation with him under silent tears. He hung up only when she got to her doorstep.

That night, she dreamt about him. The seed had been planted and although she never called him after that, she couldn’t stop thinking about him. Not even at the moment when her husband was doing the same things Manny did to her. She felt guilty but somehow her excitement was heightened. When Tayo went into her, she imagined how it would feel to have Manny instead.

Tayo made love to her in a hurry. He had a flight to catch.

β€œI’ll be back during the weekend.” He pulled up his trousers. β€œYou want me to get anything for you?”

Lade shook her head. He had been too nice to her lately.

β€œSo have you seen your period yet?”


She guessed this was his reason for being nice. He probably thought she was pregnant.

β€œYou think maybe you’re carrying?”

β€œI don’t know.”

β€œDo a test. I’ll transfer some money into your account. Go and do a test. And if it’s positive, immediately register for antenatal. We don’t want to go back to the days of miscarriages… That reminds me. You withdrew some money on Christmas day and you never told me what it was for.”

β€œI bought a birthday gift for Lulu,” she said with a straight face.

β€œHer birthday is on Christmas day?”

β€œNo. I had missed it, so I thought to get a gift.”

Tayo scolded her with his eyes. β€œYou know how I feel about your friends. Just one day with them and you’re spending close to fifty thousand. Please, sweetie, stay away from them.”

Lade gave what looked like a nod. Tayo kissed her forehead and took her hand.

β€œSee me to the door.”

Lade took his bag. They walked out of the room and found Joyce having lunch.

Lade knelt to greet her. Tayo didn’t as much as acknowledge her presence. It was something Lade witnessed all the time but was yet to get used to.

β€œYou’re traveling?” Joyce asked Tayo.

β€œYeah.” His response was taut, naturally.

β€œSafe trip.”


A cab was waiting outside to convey Tayo to the airport. He gave Lade a quick hug and reminded her to take the pregnancy test.

Lade watched until the cab drove away before she went back in.

β€œWhen is your husband coming back?” Joyce looked up when she approached her.


β€œI hope to be gone before then. I have long overstayed my welcome.”

Lade paused at the news. β€œYou’re leaving?”

β€œYes, I am, darling.”

β€œMommy, we’re happy to have you here.”

β€œNot Tayo. And not you too. You no longer talk to me.”

Lade slipped into a chair opposite Joyce’s. She felt terrible for the way she had been avoiding her. It was done under Tayo’s instructions, never intentional.

β€œMommy, you are my mother and I will never deliberately do anything to hurt you.”

Joyce studied her with shrewd eyes. β€œSo you’re saying Tayo told you to avoid me?”

β€œNo! No, no, he would never. It’s just that Ife’s death still affects me…”

β€œOh shut it. I know Tayo told you to stay away. Stop covering for him.”

β€œI am not.”

β€œStop it. Stop making excuses. Tayo is what he is. He has always been that way and it’s time you realized that and stopped punishing yourself for not being the perfect wife for him.”

Lade gave in. β€œYes, ma.”

β€œIt’s all my fault, though.” Joyce lowered her eyes to her meal. β€œHe is what he is today because of me. I was never there for him and even when I was, I did disgraceful things. And he has not forgiven me or all the females in his life who are completely innocent of my crimes.”

She looked at Lade.

β€œYou inclusive.”

Lade dared to ask, β€œMommy, what did you do?”

Joyce dusted breadcrumbs off her hands before going for a fresh slice of bread. She took a tiny bite and set the bread down. Lines appeared on her forehead. Her upper lip twitched. Lade waited but nothing came. Joyce dug a spoon into a bowl of beans porridge.


Joyce set her gaze on her, the brown of her eyes matching the sweater she had on. These days she complained about the weather. It was always cold even though it was always hot.

β€œI was a bad mother,” she revealed. β€œI lost a daughter and lost my mind and abandoned my sons. I’m here to make restitution, Omolade, but Tayo’s heart is made of stone.”

She picked the slice of bread again and somehow Lade knew that was all she would get from her.

β€œYou can go.”

Lade pushed back her chair and went to her bedroom. Sadness was threatening to rest on her but the sound of her ringing phone disrupted the imposing mood.

Lade glared at the name on the screen with some apprehension. Was Manny timing Tayo or what?

With a slightly-trembling hand she took the phone call.

β€œBad time?”

Lade sat on Tayo’s reading chair. β€œNo.”

β€œHappy new year, madam. So this is the call you said you’ll call me?”

β€œManny…” she sighed, her fingers digging into her hair. β€œYou know I can’t be calling you…”

β€œWhy are you so afraid of him like that? Is he God?”

β€œI…” she started but lost steam to continue.

β€œMe I want to see you. It’s been two months too long. I can’t get your taste out of my tongue. Imagine if I tasted elsewhere.”

β€œManny?” Lade literally looked around, afraid that Tayo was hiding somewhere and listening to Manny’s words.

β€œI want to see you. Give me a day this week.”

β€œI can’t.”

β€œBaby, please.”

β€œStop calling me that.”

β€œJust give me a day.”

Lade ran through her schedule for the day. β€œHow about today?”

β€œToday?” Manny’s tone brightened. β€œYou’re not pulling my legs, right?”

β€œI can squeeze in some time for you later.”


β€œI’m supposed to go somewhere. When I’m through, I’ll call you.”

β€œThat’s fine. I’ll be expecting your call, baby.”


Lade threw her phone on the bed and began slapping herself mentally for what she was about to do. Nonetheless, she abandoned the self-chastisement and walked to the wardrobe to pick something to wear. After long deliberation, she chose a top and a pair of jeans. She didn’t want a repeat of what Manny did to her the last time when she had worn only a dress.



Confess your sins one to another and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

The Bible verse replayed in Christie’s head many times.

Prayers. That was what she needed from a trusted friend who was also a dear sister in Christ. She was desperate to cry on her shoulder, to hear her say, β€˜I understand and you’re going to be fine, Christie.’

And thus she contactedΒ the one person she knew she could rely on. Her name was Bernadette. She was Izu’s wife but was nothing like him. The world was tired of wondering how both of them ended up as husband and wife.

β€œYou slept with Raji?” Berna’s face was a mirror of disgust. Christie’s internet connection was a bit slow but nothing could mask Berna’s judgmental expression.


Christie knew this would come. In fact, she wanted it. Berna would be mad, Berna would scold her, Berna would shed some tears for her and finally, Berna would advise and pray for her.

So she sat there Skyping with her while management held a closed doors meeting elsewhere in the building. Berna went through the motions that Christie predicted and finally came to tears. She called out Bible passages.

β€œRead and meditate. The Holy Spirit is with you. He will guide you. Don’t give up on yourself because God won’t abandon you, sweetheart. Okay?”

β€œYes.” Christie nodded with dry eyes.

β€œAnd finally, don’t ever make the mistake of confessing to Folarin. You will just kill him.”

β€œI won’t tell him anything.”

Berna added a few more words and they prayed together. After the last β€˜amen’ Christie felt better.

β€œOkay sister in the Lord mode deactivated,” Berna smiled. The internet connection was clearer now. β€œSo, tell me, do you feel something for Raji?”

β€œI don’t know, Berna. I have loved Raji as a friend and brother. I can trust him with my life and it hurts me when someone hurts him. If you’d asked me a few months ago, I would have put a name to my feelings towards him but now, the lines are blurred.”

β€œWas the sex emotional, intense?”

Christie struggled with memories of that night in Amsterdam. Raji had been more than she had expected. He gave her a whole new definition toΒ sex.

β€œIt was intense and physical together, Berna. But there was something else that I can’t explain. And that’s what scares me. Raji satisfied a need Folarin is yet to meet. In just one night.”

β€œDo you want me to be brutally honest with you, Chris?”


β€œThis whole thing did not start when Raji kissed you on Christmas Eve. No, it started six years ago when he wasΒ cheating on Salma and only you knew about it and you hid it. Somehow both of you created this atmosphere for hiding immorality and that seed never died. Today, it has culminated to this affair you’re having.”

β€œIt’s not an affair, Berna.”

β€œCall it whatever, it’s an extramarital affair.”

Christie didn’t argue.

β€œI feel like slapping Raji.”


β€œHe worked his charm on you.”

β€œHe did not. I consented, Berna. Stop making it look like he manipulated me.”

β€œThen you don’t know Raji. He’s very dangerous.”

And what about your own husband? Christie wanted to say but she kept mute. She was in no place to speak about Izu. There was a time that she did, when she was upright with God. Then she used to beg Berna to divorce Izu. Now, her moral high ground had caved in and she saw no end to her fall.

β€œJust stay away from him,” Berna added.

Stay away from Raji? Christie laughed silently. It was like staying away from her own shadow. Everywhere she turned he was there. With Covet, they were tied to each other for life. It was either she ran away, or gave into him.

β€œBaby, I gotta run.” Berna puckered her lips in a kiss and logged off. Christie stared at the blank screen and felt the sadness returning.

A chat from Raji popped in.

Ready for pizza?

She was hungry and in honest, she craved to be with him. The need was overpowering. She felt helpless to stop it.

She ignored the message and cleared her desk for the day. Her eager-to-please assistant walked in just as she was leaving.

β€œMa, Mr. Asepita stopped by earlier and says I should tell you he’s waiting in his office.”

Christie itched to correct her wrong use of the past and present tense. The girl had a habit of mixing both.

β€œAnd the files from AAAN came in.”

β€œDrop them in my office.”

β€œYes, ma.”

Christie left some last minute instructions with her and headed towards the marketing wing. When she walked into the larger ante-office that held junior staff, she immediately sensed something was off. They had thatΒ peculiar manner that indicated they were pretending to be busy. She wondered why, but not for long. Out of the blue, she heard Salma letting out insults in the quiet of Raji’s office.

Christie hurried in. Salma was in a rage. The beautiful floral-print dress she had on which embraced her perfect curves looked like it would rather be elsewhere than her body. One side of the dress had slipped down exposing the strap of her bra and swell of her full breast but it was the least of Salma’s problems. She was at this point, cursing Raji who sat with his characteristic calm behind his desk, staring at her with silentΒ eyes.

β€œYour cheating dick will shrivel, Raji Asepita! You will die between a woman’s legs! All the pain you have caused me you will feel it a million times!”

Christie came forward. β€œWhat is going on?”

Raji was quick to answer. β€œSal is accusing me of cheating on her.”

Christie’s tummy whined.

β€œI’ve told her that it’s not true but she doesn’t believe me.”

β€œHe is lying, Christie! I can see the signs! They’re all so familiar! Just like when he was with that dirty Comfort of a human being!”

β€œHe is not cheating, Salma.”

β€œHelp me tell her, abeg.”

Salma ran her eyes from the top of Christie’s head to her feet. β€œOf course you would know.”

β€œWhat does that mean?” Christie forced annoyance into her tone.

β€œDidn’t you cover up the other affair he had with Comfort? What stops you from doing the same now?”

β€œSo you’re insinuating…”

β€œI’m not insinuating anything, Christie!” She pulled up in front of her. β€œI am telling you to your face that you are as duplicitous as he is! You know he is cheating but you will cover up for him! You’re a disgrace to womanhood! I regret ever making you my friend!”

Words were zapped out of Christie.

β€œLeave my office,” Raji instructed Salma, his calm lost.

β€œOr what?”

β€œDon’t push me, Salma. I’ve had enough. Don’t push me. Get out.”

β€œIt’s okay, Raji,” Christie begged.

β€œI’m going! I’m going.” Salma pulled her dress over her exposed shoulder.

β€œI didn’t come here for drama.” She rubbed wet eyes vigorously. β€œI just came to drop the divorce papers. Please sign them so we can begin proceedings.”

β€œDivorce papers?” Christie was aghast. β€œSalma, no nau. It has not reached like this.”

Salma heaved a couple of times and her fuming exterior gave way to abrupt tears.

β€œI’m sorry, Christie. I didn’t mean those things I said.”

β€œNo, it’s fine. You have every right to feel the way you do. I should not be trusted.” She caught Raji’s eyes. He showed no sign of being bothered by what was going on.

β€œHaba, don’t talk like that.”

Salma produced a hanky from nowhere and began to blubber. It was a sight too pathetic for Christie to ignore. She encircled her in a hug. Salma shook, her luscious body also comforting Christie who was on the verge of tears herself. Her heart broke with each jerk Salma gave.

β€œLet me be going,” Salma said after a while, pulling away. β€œThanks, Christie.”

Christie wiped away a solitary tear that Salma’s hanky had missed.

β€œI’m sorry for what I said earlier.”

β€œIt’s okay.”

β€œYou and I will talk. I’ll call you this night?”

Christie nodded. She was too afraid to reply her, scared that her voice might, on its own, expose her.

β€œMy love to Folarin and the kids. And please, talk to Raji to sign the papers.”

β€œYou’re joking,” Raji answered. Salma straightened her posture and left. Christie felt a shiver as her knees gave way. She found the nearest chair which was a couch and collapsed into it. She began too weep, being unable to express how guilty she felt. Raji was by her side in seconds.

β€œWe’re not getting divorced, Christie. Stop crying.”

But his words only fueled the fire as Christie completely fell apart. She lost herself in his arms. He let her cry for as long as she wanted, only because she felt good to hold.

β€œYou’re not responsible for Salma’s actions. She is just being Salma. She will calm down. When I go home, she will throw a bigger tantrum but we’ll go back to the way we were. All of this will go away, I promise. So stop being a baby about it. I’ve had enough drama for today.”

Christie agreed with him. Their employees were out there, probably creating versions of what they thought was going on with Raji’s love life. Christie didn’t want to be a character in the story.

β€œWe have to end what we started in Amsterdam, Raj,” she told him.

He handed her some tissue.

β€œWe already have.” He apprehended her eyes in an affectionate gaze. β€œI don’t want to hurt our friendship.”

She knew he was lying but she said nothing. She just wanted to be somewhere else; her need for him had mellowed under Salma’s drama. She longed for Folarin instead.

β€œI’m going home, Raj. I’ll relax, have a hot bath, watch TV with the kids, make love to Folarin and come back tomorrow refreshed. Covet needs my creative head in the right place.”

Raji smiled. β€œYou’re so badass sometimes it’s scary.”

Christie stood. β€œSee you tomorrow.”

She allowed him a peck on her cheek before she made her exit. In the elevator ride down, she got a text from Salma.

Raji is sleeping with a married woman, Christie. I know you know who she is. Please tell me or I’ll divorce him.

Christie locked her phone screen and leaned on the elevator wall, hating herself.

You’re wrong on this one, Raj. It is so not going away.


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To continue this story, click HERE


Author. Screenwriter. Blogger

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  1. Sally says:

    Hi guys,
    I thought this would be a new year with less work but boy, am I crazy busy! Putting up stories will take me extra dedication, which is something I love doing anyways. But I need you to meet me halfway in this comment section. When you express yourself, it puts me in check. It makes me know there are people here, wanting and waiting to read. But when you’re silent, you’re expressly telling me the stories don’t inspire so much or that they’re boring. It makes me want to pursue my day job and other money-making ventures.
    So please, don’t just read. Drop a line or two. make observations. criticize. analyze. I read everything. every single word. This writing process involves you too. You inspire me with your comments. Knowing what’s on your mind helps structure the story, helps me know when a character or the plot has gone weak.
    so help!
    Thank you for your support. Love ya! love ya

  2. Asma says:


    1. Sally says:


  3. tedypine says:

    This comment was meant to come yesterday but I was Sooooo tired I barely finished reading the post. Thank God u came tru coz I was like ; so Sally made us wait 2weeks and around 9pm she hasn’t posted the episode like she promised. She promised Ooooo n I waited but no post oooooo. Then I got the email notification andwent ; that’s my sally, she never dissapoints. Thank you, u made my night twice in a row. For making time when there wasn’t any. U r d bomb.

    1. Sally says:

      Thank you, Tedypine
      And do try to rest o. Body no be firewood

  4. cleo says:

    Thanks Sally.
    Was about to ask about Lade and Raji. And you dropped it. Thanks again.
    Loved the (Rajl/Christie) adultery story line and how it played out. Not the stereotypical Nigeria one.
    Christie is treading a dangerous path though. I hope she borrows sense from her friend.

    1. Sally says:

      I hope she does to.
      I do believe that as much as cheating in now a cliche thing, everyone’s story is different.
      Thank you, Cleo

  5. Sandra says:

    Dis week is definitely all shades of amazing getting a doze from u daily…. Nice read… Btw #bringbackourtoni/andre

    1. Sally says:

      I will, Sandra. I will bring them back

  6. tola says:

    Sally is always BAE…very interesting read all through, I didn’t want it to end sef.All the xters are awesome and all together crazy in their ways but pls where did u put my ‘toni’ .thank u for always been dere to deliver even with ur busy schedule. God bless u and urs…xoxo

    1. Sally says:

      #TeamToni, i see πŸ™‚
      I will bring her soon
      thank you

  7. omotola says:

    Sally is always BAE…very interesting read all through, I didn’t want it to end sef.All the xters are awesome and all together crazy in their ways but pls where did u put my ‘toni’ .thank u for always been dere to deliver even with ur busy schedule. God bless u and urs…xoxo

    1. Sally says:

      Bless you too, Omotola

  8. Modupe says:

    Although am a first timer here. Kudos to you Sally!!!! Waiting to read more efficient your inspiring stories. Am enjoying the story. Big ups to you!!!

    1. Sally says:

      Welcome here, Modupe
      Glad to have you around

  9. Ruby says:

    Tell me Christie is not gonna confess sally, plssssss? Nice one bae, thumbs up… #team_mosked


    1. Sally says:

      Hi, Ruby

  10. Ruby says:

    Tell me Christie is not gonna confess sally, plssssss? Nice one bae, thumbs up… #team_mosked

  11. Mariamummy says:

    Sometimes, common sense aint common and easy to come by. Christie try and find yours and use it, because you have many beautiful things to loose if you fail to find it. Lade, your case is just something else, may God grant you wisdom ooo. Sally dear, thank you.

    1. Sally says:

      You’re welcome

  12. Tonia says:

    God bless u sally, am enjoying every bit of it, couldn’t wait for d post tonight .

    1. Sally says:

      Always my pleasure, Tonia

  13. Nykky says:

    Thanks Sally a good read as usual. Although I don’t know how the story will go because you have your ways with your stories but I hope you balance it so that people will know infidelity in marriage is not right and that we are to flee from the appearance. God bless your inspiration

    1. Sally says:

      Thanks for the reminder, Nykky
      Cheating never pays

  14. Nykky says:

    Pls bring back Toni and Andre thank you and Good night

  15. Nyah says:

    Hi Sally, your stories make my day bearable …..when they come. Thank you… ghost mode deactivated. Yes, I know, I have been a ghost reader for a long long while, but not anymore. Have a great evening x

    1. Sally says:

      Hi Nyah
      Great to have you here
      Thank you for deactivating ghost mode.
      Hope to see more of you

  16. kalliboom says:

    When a husband is too harsh on his wife,making her look like slave make her look out for freedom which may leads to temptation,omolade and manny”. Covering an act of sin from a friend jst to keep gooD relationship christe and Raji”
    Christe jst need to quit the affair btw her n raji before it is exposed. Thanks sally for this episode I learnt a lot

    1. Sally says:

      You’re welcome Kalli

  17. Aramide says:

    Lade and Tayo matter is on a different level,,Christie abeg stop that affair with Raji before it destory everything u have. Nice one as always Sally

    1. Sally says:

      Thank you, Aramide

  18. Noncapax says:

    Great job as usual, Sally. I like how you explore different circumstances that lead to cheating. I guess it never “just happens”. The main characters seem to be linked in some way, apart from Tayo and Lade. I wonder why that is, though.
    PS. I think Raji has also knacked Bernadette.

    1. Sally says:

      Noncapax, the way your mind can fly ehn! Lol!
      Well, let’s see…

  19. Yugo says:

    Sally jt dey wow me dey go. I love love love. I wish it was a novel, I for don buy am cos the suspense is too much.
    Christie, biko borrow urself brain and flee from Raji and his sleek tongue. Go back to d drawing board nd fix that thing that is missing in ur marriage.
    Manny and Lade, I dey wait una.
    Meanwhile Toni is bae.

    1. Tosin says:

      The momentum is gathering. My heart is in my mouth. Raji,Christie,Salma. I hope Christie can wriggle out though. Toni /Andre…. Let’s go there. Dt Lade’s husband is obviously a boy trapped in a man, he and his mum need healing. I ‘m enjoying this story. Thanks Sally

      1. Sally says:

        Glad you like it, Tosin. Thank you

    2. Sally says:

      Thank you, Yugo

  20. Just Dotun says:

    Hi Sally, thanks for keeping us all in flow with your suspense. why do i have a feeling that Selma is just trowing tantrums to cover her own act. Also Christie please be careful around Bernadette. women with such judgmental attitude cant be trusted.
    Awaiting the next episode like……..

    1. Temmie says:

      GBAM! Very well said..

    2. Sally says:

      I like the way your mind is thinking, Dotun

  21. Doughyeen says:

    Christie is in such a fix..and I feel salma has a cockroach in her cupboard.Thanks for this maam

  22. wooow awesome work aunty sally God bless u real good

  23. olly says:

    Nice work Sally, Christie is in deep shit.

  24. Soulskey says:

    M so in lov with dis story, just saying a big thank you babes.

  25. Adeleke Julianah says:

    Complications just got complicated!
    I hate to see good people hurt. And by good people, I mean Lade and Christie. Don’t know who else is good among the rest until the story unfolds further.
    Lady Sally, you always amaze me. Keep up the good work ma’am.

  26. MissBosola says:

    Sally is Bae, it was a beautiful episode. Didn’t want it to end. Why is that Tayo cold sef? Christie should be careful oh that Salma can kill her o. I love your writing you are very imaginative you make it look so real.

    1. Sally says:

      It’s God, dear
      I am as they say, just a pencil

  27. sleekdami says:

    Sally….you ALWAYS deliver
    sigh..oh Christie…you should not have…

  28. Glowing Kosnie says:

    OMG!!! This is just too intriguing and so complicated haba Christie and Raj abeg make una try mellow down a little cos salma is sure sniffing around and the outcome won’t be anything but nasty…Hei Sally this brain of yours is sure working on overdrive cos I just can’t imagine the stories you keep churning out,well-done Sweetheart you really made my day

    1. Sally says:

      I love you, dear
      Thanks for reading

  29. Oluwakemi says:

    Oga Sally, na you i dey hail o. Thank you for making my day with this episode. It was a timely read for me as this was what kept me sane inside Lagos traffic today. This series is opening my eyes to how extramarital affairs begin o, God help us. Biko, bring us Andre and Toni and please help lade and Christie make good decisions too. Thanks for doing this everyday and for all the effort you put into getting this ready inspite of your busy schedules, God bless you!

    1. Sally says:

      More strength to you, Kemi
      Lagos traffic can be insane. E ku se

  30. HP says:

    Great job! I love your stories!!!!!!!!!!

  31. itheword says:

    Why is this series such a turn-on for me?

  32. 1k97 says:

    Hmmm… Its gettin’ messier and interesting… Loving everybit of it… Thanks Sally BLessUp

  33. Seye says:

    With each episode comes something worth sparing a few minutes to mull about.
    I almost forgot about Lade and Tayo. It’s such a shame that the young man is sorta pushing his woman into the deep waters where loads of whales hold sway. Blame him, but blame him not, his personal issues are having a bearing on the home in a sad sad way.

    Of course Christie is in real deep mess. This one Raji’s wife is putting it to her that the man is laying a married woman, who knows what Salma knows already? Some of us pretend so well despite knowing all we do. One thing I know so well is that it is not so easy to get OUT extramarital affairs once the evil starts. It’s always best to not even have it start at all.
    Thanks for the marathon serving of THE 4TH FINGER this week. All appreciated

  34. ojay says:

    Lovely Sally, how borry? Well, the story is really nice although the 2 week break almost made me a little lost while reading the stories so I’m like “who is Lade again?” stuff like that. All the same sha, your pen still rocks.

  35. AOS says:

    Christie one mistake never tell another woman your secret, it’s better you die with it. I just hope Izu’s wife won’t use it against you. Also, it’s not easy to disengage friendship of 14 years but you have to set rules n be strick with it if not your secret will be in the opened to everyone.
    Mother n son needs reconciliation, if not you gonna be miserable Lade. Tayo abeg calm down Jor that your jealousy is not it at all. I can’t imagine my mail been linked or asked to sit at home…..hmmmmm, feelings of the past.
    Thank you ma……xoxo.

  36. toyenlon says:

    The mistake some ladies make all in a bid to get married, that’s Lade’s mistake in marrying Tayo instead of Manny she loved then. But she has laid her bed, let her lie on it cos having an affair with him will end in a bad way especially with the jealous man she has as husband.

  37. I’m loving this time…
    this world created,
    with characters that leave the screen
    and allow one
    have a feel of sharing a ‘behind the scenes’
    moment with them.

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