The Immortals' Code

The Immortals’ Code #22


The Assistant Commissioner of Police of the Lagos State police force stormed into the theater, followed by a couple of uniformed policemen. Within, they found another team of policemen discussing in low tones over the dead bodies of nine people on the floor, each with a bullet hole either on the head or chest. The policemen broke away and saluted the ACP as he walked in.

β€œWho is in charge, here?” a baritone voice from cigarette-stained lips demanded.

Etim, a young, roughly-dressed, eager-to-please but watchful plainclothes policeman rushed forward and saluted.


β€œWhat are these bodies still doing here?”

β€œSir, you said you wanted to see for yourself–”

β€œGet them out!”

Etim nodded at junior officers and they began evacuating the dead bodies.

β€œI’m just coming from Ibadan,” the ACP revealed. β€œIn short, I was called out of my brother’s wedding. Debrief me on the events.”

β€œThe First Lady was to have a charity event with almost a hundred orphans this afternoon but at the last minute, she cancelled–”

Etim was cut off rudely.

β€œGet to the story! What happened?”

Etim looked at one of the entry doors. β€œHeavily armed, masked men attacked the place, killing every adult on the scene, including four of our men outside, after which, they took the children and made away with them.”

”Every single child?”

β€œAll of them. Witnesses say they came with two pickup trucks.” He called a junior officer to him. β€œWe were able to follow them to an abandoned building but when the pursuit team got there, sir, they opened fire on our men.”

β€œAny survivors?”

β€œYes and no.”

The ACP looked at him with mounting impatience.

β€œAccording to the team sent for backup, there were no survivors on our side but one of our men was able to gun down one of them. He is still alive.”

β€œWhere is he?”

β€œIn Division C.”

β€œIs he saying anything?”

The junior officer Etim earlier called for came to the scene. Etim took a file from him and handed it to the ACP.

β€œPreliminary reports.”

β€œI’m not interested in reports; I want results!’ He turned to Etim. β€œIs there a telephone I can use in this building?”

β€œYes, sir.” Etim began walking out. β€œThis way.”

When they left the theater, another junior officer came to them and saluted.

β€œSir, phone call. It’s the Commissioner.”

The ACP made a face as he entered a small office outside the theater. Etim took out a bubble gum from his pocket and began chewing, leafing through the file in his hand. The ACP returned minutes later, his expression angrier. He headed out of the theater.

β€œWhat did you get from this suspect you arrested?”

β€œSir, he refused to speak.”

Short in stature, Etim doubled his strides to catch up with his boss.

β€œWhat did you people do to make him speak?”

β€œSir, if I may…”

β€œSpeak up!”

β€œFrom my own expert opinion, I think the man…he’s not just a hungry person looking to make quick money from kidnapping children. Sir, I think he is a trained war veteran.”

β€œWhat are you saying?”

β€œSir, I think he’s a soldier and based on descriptions from people who had encounters with the other kidnappers, I’m inclined to believe that the others are also soldiers. I’m guessing either retired or discharged from the army, honorably or otherwise. If only I was in charge–”

β€œWell, too late! Soldiers stormed into Division C and took our suspect into custody.”

β€œUnder whose orders?”

β€œIt’s from the top.” He looked at Etim. β€œFrom oga, himself. I don’t know why they call us the police force when the military won’t give us the power we need to operate just because they are in government.”

β€œWell, sir…” Etim murmured as they walked out. β€œIf he’s with the military, then I think we will get good results soon. After all, all we want is those children back…”

β€œMy friend, quit the modest talk. I don’t want to hear it! You were put here because you are the best at what you do and that’s all I want from you.”

The ACP got to his car and the door was opened for him. β€œGet the best men from your team to work with a special team from the NSS. I want those children found alive!”

Etim saluted. β€œSir!”

The ACP entered his car and his convoy drove away, stirring dust in Etim’s face that soon settled.



Etim was seated beside Victor who was about his age but taller, well-dressed and more appealing in looks. He had a pale brown shirt on, tucked into what looked like an army green pair of trousers that widened at the heels. An afro, neatly combed rested on a thin head and merged with full sideburns stopping on high cheekbones. His moustache wasn’t so full and showed off lips that looked like its owner was always in a pensive mode.

It was this mode in which he was found, alongside Etim, as they sat beside each other in single chairs, facing an older man who was at the other end of a wooden table. The man, who was Victor’s boss at the NSS, was an old, tired-looking person that seemed like he wanted to be doing something other than his present job. His manner was slow but his words were short and precise.

β€œThere’s no time to waste. We don’t know the people who did this. The last anyone saw of them was in that abandoned building. They left their trucks and made clean their escape but they’re still in town. Lagos is big; they can be anywhere. The federal government is on my neck for this one. I want results and that is why I requested for you, Etim. No one knows the ins and outs of Lagos like you. I want to know who is behind this and I want to get those children back to their respective orphanages tonight.”

β€œI don’t understand, sir.” Victor shifted forward but directed his stare at Etim. β€œWhat happened to the First Lady’s security detail? Were they not supposed to be on location before all this?”

Etim answered, β€œThe First Lady cancelled at the last minute.”

β€œHer security detail is none of your business,” the tired boss said. Victor was giving a reply when a lady walked in, handed the older man a file and walked out. He opened the file and studied it.

β€œEm…I want reports on my table very soon.” He yawned and dropped the file on the table, β€œYou’re dismissed.”

He left both men in the office. Etim closed the door after him and turned to Victor who was already going through the file.

β€œI think it’s them. They are behind this,” Etim whispered.

β€œHow do you know?”

β€œIt’s them. I know.”

β€œYou have proof?” Victor looked at him.

β€œNot really, I…my informant who is with them…”

Victor slammed the open file before him. β€œIs dead.”

Etim’s eyes widened. β€œWhat? Let me see…” He pulled the file to himself. β€œThis morning?”

β€œHe was found dead outside his house, meaning, you were careless, Etim.”

Etim went into thought mode. β€œIs it not strange that the only orphanage without representatives for the charity event was The Refuge?”

β€œWhy is it strange? The Refuge belongs to the First Lady. They don’t need her charity.”

β€œVictor, I’m telling you, it’s them.”

The boss’ secretary made an appearance again and spoke to Victor. β€œSir, you have a call. It’s Mr. Segun.”

Victor stood up and walked out.



6:00 pm

Samuel walked down the stairs, two steps at a time. For a man who wasn’t his father’s favorite, he took after him in looks, although missing the famous Igwe eyes which somehow passed the second generation and fell upon the third. But Samuel could be described as Igwe’s spitting image – in height, complexion, tone of voice and even the little physical details like a pointed nose that looked more northern than Igbo, and lips that had a scornful appearance.

However, in fashion taste, they differed. Samuel wore his style in accordance with his moods. For instance, he was upset, and coming down the stairs of his house to answer the doorbell, he was hurriedly buttoning up a black shirt whose material danced too much and was a size too big for him. A pair of Levi’s covered the lower part of his body. His feet were bare. His mood, darker as he neared the door.

When he opened it, a pretty lady with a yellow dress, greeted him with a smile. He returned a frown but let her in. She stole a kiss.

β€œI have good news,” she whispered, looking away from the portrait of a more gorgeous woman on the wall beside her.

β€œNot now, Evelyn.”

β€œYou’d love to hear this.”

β€œEve, not now. Patricia left and I have to find her.”

Evelyn glanced at the portrait briefly. The woman in it was smiling but her eyes seemed to judge her.

β€œShe left? When?”

β€œI don’t know. I got back from work at about four in the afternoon and went straight to bed. I woke up just a few minutes ago and realized that she’s gone. She took all her valuables and a few clothes and left.”

β€œAnd you’re going after her?”


Evelyn held Samuel and tried on a different smile which seemed calmer. β€œSam, this is what we’ve been praying for. We’ve been waiting for her to slip up so we can finally be together and what better time than now when I am two months pregnant?”

Samuel, absentminded, was bending over to wear a pair of brogues when he caught the word β€˜pregnant’. He straightened up. β€œYou’re what?”

β€œPregnant.” Evelyn grinned.

β€œI’m sure that’s good news but Eve, I have to find Patricia.”

β€œYou’re sure that’s good news?” She went into a grimace. β€œI’m having a baby for you and all you care for is going after your crazy wife? You promised me, Sam.”

β€œAnd I still do.” He managed to stare at her. β€œYou know I don’t care about Patricia.”

β€œThen why are you going after her?”

He went back to his shoes. β€œShe has my son. She has Ishi.”

β€œShe took Ishi?”

β€œYes. And he’s just a two month old baby in the hands of a lunatic.”

Evelyn pulled her face together in thought. β€œYou’re sure Tricia took him?”


β€œβ€˜Cause there’s news that children were kidnapped this afternoon–”

β€œMy son is not an orphan, Eve.”

He walked to the door and opened it. β€œTake care of Aaron till I get back.”



Patricia wrapped her son in his blanket for warmth and leaned back on her seat with heavy eyelids. She was tired and scared. Although she was far from home, she feared for her life. Samuel was diabolical, a man who had sold his soul to evil. And even with the cover of night and miles away from him, she could still feel his presence.

She shivered and forced calm on herself. Not long after, the movement of the bus and the flying scenery outside gave her heavy eyes. Patricia shut her eyes and soon fell into deep sleep, one she had craved for a long time. Hopefully, she would dream of somewhere new…

The bus jerked and she sat up, almost waking her baby from his slumber. She stared out the window beside her and saw thick darkness and more vegetation moving past. She didn’t know how far they were from Lagos or for how long they had journeyed. All she was certain of was that she was leaving her old life behind.

Forgive me, Aaron. Mommy is so sorry. I will come back for you one day.

She breathed deeply to keep from crying and closed her eyes to force the sleep back in. Seconds later, she was slipping away again, into a familiar world of nightmares. She tried to open her eyes but could not. She felt dragged into darkness and almost immediately she found herself lying on her back on a student-sized spring bed with eyes wide opened and hands tied to both sides of the bed. She lurched forward to free herself but the restraints around her wrists tugged back as if they were human hands. She fell back into the bed and passed out…

Patricia was walking down the main corridor of the home she shared with Samuel and their two sons. It was a corridor she used every day but today it seemed like it had been cut out from someone else’s home. It stretched out before her, long and dark.

She stopped. Fear wouldn’t let her keep walking.

And then a door on her right threw open as if someone had pushed it in from where she stood. Patricia turned slowly and her face took on different forms – from confusion to shock and to utter terror. She screamed at what she saw before charging into the room. But someone from behind her pulled her back, and the door slammed shut.

Patricia found herself being dragged over the floor of the dark corridor as she struggled helplessly.

Patricia was thrown into a large, empty room and the door closed in her face.

Patricia was lying on the floor of the room, in an inebriated state. Slipping off her hand was a syringe. Beside her was an empty ampoule. She blinked into the darkness and tears slid down tormented eyes.

*Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  *Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  *Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  *Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  *Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  *

Patricia woke from her dream and clutched Ishi to herself as she discovered that the bus had just come to a halt. Next to her was a chubby teenage boy eating a snack and reading a comic. She looked out the window apprehensively and turned to the boy.

β€œWhat is going on?” The boy did not seem to hear. She tapped him. β€œWhat’s happening?”

The boy looked at her, clueless.

β€œWe stopped,” she said. β€œCheck why.”

The boy courteously dropped his comic and stood up to find out why they had stopped.

β€œWhat is happening?” Patricia repeated.

The boy strained his neck to see clearer. β€œIt’s police checkpoint,”

β€œAre you sure it’s the police?”


β€œWhy are they stopping us?”

β€œI don’t know but it’s not only us, and there are plenty police cars… Oh, a policeman is coming.”

Patricia pulled him back. β€œSit down.”

The boy settled back into his seat and picked up his comic again as Patricia took a drink of water from a flask with shaky hands. The driver of the bus turned to the passengers. β€œOya o! Everybody, come down!”

In response to his orders, people began to murmur.

β€œOya, oya! Down, down, down!”

β€œDriver, what is happening?” a man from the back asked.

β€œPolice check point! Make una come down, abeg!”

The passengers, not too enthusiastic to obey, shuffled down one after the other.

β€œQuick, quick!”

β€œThe police no tell you wetin dey happen?” The man from the back, who was now close to where Patricia sat, asked.

β€œIf you wan know, go ask by yourself,” the driver answered, making his way out.

Patricia waited until everyone was gone before she stepped out of the bus. There was a long line of cars parked by the wayside and people hung around the area as policemen searched every car and questioned the commuters. People from Patricia’s bus formed small groups but Patricia assessed the whole scene in apprehension and kept herself in an isolated corner, away from everyone else. The teenage boy walked further ahead to the heart of the police stop while Patricia strolled to a man who was hidden by the bushes, nervously biting on a chewing stick.

β€œSorry for disturbing you.” Patricia tapped him He looked at her impatiently. β€œPlease, what is happening?”

He held his stare longer than necessary and she almost repeated the question.

β€œYou don’t know?” he finally spoke.

β€œKnow what?”

β€œThey’re stopping us because of what happened in town.” He went back to biting his stick.

β€œWhat happened in town?”

He gave her another long look.

β€œChildren are getting missing, disappearing! And now it seems we might not be able to travel because of this. That’s why I hate night journeys! Something always happens.”

β€œChildren are disappearing?” Patricia asked, her full lips squeezing into a pout.

The man gave her a third suspicious look and spat into a gutter by the roadside. Patricia smelled him. He reeked of smoke and something really foul, like he had not bathed in days. Subconsciously, she smelled her armpits and her breath.

β€œMadam, is this your baby?”

Patricia raised her head from smelling her son’s blanket and fixed him an angry stare. β€œWhat type of stupid question is that?”

β€œSorry. I’m just asking.”

She turned away from him and the teenager came to her.

β€œThey are beginning to let cars pass but it’s like all the people with children are not traveling today,” he announced.

β€œWhat? Why?”

β€œNo one carrying a child is to leave the state, not even to a local government,” he repeated.

β€œBut I have to travel today.” Patricia’s eyes twitched more than a few times. β€œI have to go!”

β€œThe police are coming.”

Patricia’s eye-twitches multiplied as she spotted policemen heading their way. She backed away a great distance, and when Victor who was part of the police team began towards her, she became hysterical.

β€œThey want to take my baby! They want to take my son!” She screamed and people turned to her direction. β€œDon’t allow them take my son!”

She clutched Ishi with one hand and grabbed the smelling man with the other. β€œPlease, stop them!”

Victor increased his steps, making towards her in the company of two uniformed policemen.

β€œYou can’t take my baby! You can’t take my son! He is my son! He is my son!”

Victor seized her with strong hands as a policeman took Ishi who was now awake and yelling. Patricia screamed and struggled in Victor’s hold but found herself weakening with each motion.

β€œCalm down, madam. Calm down,” he spoke to her quietly but sternly.

β€œLeave me alone!” She bit his hand and he loosened his grip, weakening his hold and giving her room to escape. She ran after the policeman holding her son but Etim stepped in-between her and the man. He didn’t deal with her as kindly as Victor did.

*Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  *Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  *Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  *Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  *Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  *

Patricia’s mass transit bus spurted out black smoke from its exhaust pipe and drove into the night, following a line of vehicles which had been cleared by the police to vacate the roadblock. A police vehicle carrying Patricia and Ishi turned back into town. Patricia stared out through the back window, at Victor with forlorn eyes. Victor looked away from her and walked tiredly towards Etim who was seated on the hood of a car.

β€œHow is your hand?” Etim asked. Victor lifted a blue handkerchief off Patricia’s bite spot.

β€œI hope she doesn’t have rabies,” Etim teased but Victor didn’t smile.

β€œShe refused to say where she was going.”

β€œThat woman is mentally not okay.”

Victor sat beside him. β€œShe’s just trying to protect her son.”

β€œI know. What I meant was…on her arms, she had several needle points like she’s…”

β€œA drug addict?”

β€œI don’t know…”

β€œCome on, Etim, be real. The only reason you and I know that people actually inject themselves with drugs is because of our line of work. Most of the people who do drugs in Nigeria only smoke marijuana but heroine or crack addicts are usually rich bastards who get intoxicated only because they can afford to. Did that woman look like she takes heroine or some other form of expensive, hard-to-find drug?”

β€œShe’s an Igwe,” Etim pointed out. β€œBut maybe she’s not an addict. Maybe she’s a mental case and they have to constantly sedate her because to me, she was acting abnormally even for a mother who just wants to protect her son.”


β€œShe kept on saying that she knew…she knew this was going to happen, that was why she took her son and-and ran.” Etim looked at Victor meaningfully. β€œShe said she saw it coming.”

β€œShe’s crazy, as you already guessed.”

β€œYes, but what if she was telling the truth?”

Victor dusted his butt for no reason. β€œShe is crazy, Etim. Now, if I were you, I’d go and look for the real criminals and try to keep my job.”

Etim got off the car he was leaning on. β€œJob? Am I not a policeman? I’m allowed to laze about.” He tapped Victor’s shoulder. β€œBut you, you can’t afford to mess up.” He looked at him thoughtfully. β€œVic, are you hiding anything from me?”

β€œHiding what?”

β€œWhat do you know about Patricia Eresoyen that you’re not telling me?”

β€œNothing. Other than she’s an Igwe wife.”

β€œShe was looking at you like she knew you, like you were betraying her for arresting her.”

β€œI don’t know her,” Victor insisted.

β€œVic, coming here was your idea. We’re not supposed to be here because we have more critical information we should be following up but you said we should come here. Was it about her?”

Victor looked around. β€œI can’t talk here. Let’s go somewhere else.”

Both men made their way to a grove of coconut trees.



Evelyn was painting her fingernails with blood-red nail polish from Patricia’s manicure kit as she attended to a phone call. Every now and then, she turned her eyes to the television screen, resting on some wooden structure.

β€œYes, his name is Ishi. He’s just two months old…” She paused. β€œYes, we think he’s with his mother…”

Pause again. β€œYes, yes but she is not okay…she’s a mental case… Actually, we don’t know what time she left…”

Aaron, a little boy of just four-years-old, entered the sitting room with both arms bandaged from his armpit to his palms. Evelyn looked at him, then away.

β€œThe father is not in. He’s gone looking for them… We’ve sent a photo already. Thank you, officer. If you hear anything, call us with the number I gave you earlier. Thank you.”

She placed the phone receiver back over its cradle and looked at Aaron with a smile. β€œHow are you, Aaron?”

β€œWhere is my mommy?”

β€œShe went out. She will be back soon.”

Aaron walked to the television and sat before it, watching fixedly, the evening news. Pictures and names of the missing orphans were displayed on the screen. Evelyn spoke to him in a gentle voice. β€œYou shouldn’t sit so close to the TV; it will spoil your eyes.”

His eyes remained on the screen. β€œThey won’t find them.”

Evelyn was confused by his statement. β€œWh-what did you say?”

The four-year-old looked at her strangely. β€œI din’t say anything. I’m hungry.”

β€œOkay, let’s go to the kitchen and find some food.” She stretched her hand to him and then remembered she had just painted her nails. She dropped them. β€œFollow me.”

β€œYou’re my mommy’s friend.”

β€œYes, I am. I am your mommy’s friend.”

β€œAnd you’re daddy’s friend. Mommy say you are not her friend again.”

Evelyn looked at him uneasily. He gave a disturbing grin displaying two missing teeth that made her quiver.



Victor was attending to a phone call, pacing about his small office as much as the telephone cord allowed him.

β€œIs that all?” he asked gruffly the person he was on the phone with. His secretary came in and he stopped pacing to lean on the nearest window as she began arranging his desk.

β€œGood. It’s done,” he spoke into the phone. β€œYou do what you have to do.”

He moved to the desk, gently dropped the receiver, cracked his knuckles and rubbed his hand over his head in a circular motion that was restless. His secretary turned from arranging the desk to him. β€œSir, are you okay?”

β€œYes, yes, I just…” he pointed at the phone. β€œI just got off the phone with…” He knocked his knuckles hard on the desk. β€œThis is rubbish. Total bull–”

β€œSir, the file you asked for.” The secretary, who carried an expression that showed she was quite used to his mannerisms, handed him a green file.

β€œThank you, Helen.” He took the file and stormed out, walked down a short hallway and into an interrogation room. Patricia was within, seated before a table breastfeeding her son. He watched them quietly for a while.

β€œDon’t worry, Mommy will take you far away from here, from all the bad, bad people,” Patricia whispered to Ishi as he stopped feeding and started to cry.

β€œI’m beginning to think that baby is not yours.” Victor got away from the door and walked to her.

She gave him a side glance. β€œTo hell with you and what you think.”

β€œFortunately for you,” he dropped the file in his hand on the table, β€œthis file thinks you’re innocent.”

She stared at the file while he pulled a seat to her.

β€œWhy are you running from your husband, Mrs. Eresoyen?”

She totally ignored him as she tried to burp Ishi.

β€œYou took your second son and left without his knowledge. Why?”

She continued to ignore him.

β€œWhat do you know about the Cabal or whatever they call themselves?”

She kissed her son, turning away.

Victor took the file and stood up. β€œChildren are going to die, Mrs. Eresoyen, children like your son! Aren’t you a mother? Don’t you have a heart? If you know anything that can help us catch these people… Anything…!”

Patricia looked up at him fearfully and he calmed down.

β€œMrs. Eresoyen if you don’t talk, I’ll have to call your husband to inform him of your whereabouts. He’ll very much like that.”

Patricia said hastily. β€œMy husband…he cheats on me. I’m tired of all the lies and late nights. I couldn’t stand it anymore; I had to leave.” She looked at Ishi, β€œI also had to take him. He’s just a baby–”

Victor slammed the file back on the table. β€œLies!”

β€œIt’s the truth.”

β€œI wasn’t born yesterday, Patricia!”

Victor turned to the door, closed it and went back to her. He stared at her for a few seconds before he spoke firmly into her ear.

β€œI can’t afford to lose my job because of you.”

Patricia looked into his eyes and whispered. β€œThen tell them you know nothing because I said nothing.”

β€œThis is the NSS, Tricia. There are no children here. You knew something but you kept it from me. You were supposed to tell me everything. Everything.”

β€œHe was watching my every move and he had me locked up.”

β€œYou knew what was going to happen…”

In tears, through grit teeth she begged, β€œI can’t go back there…”

β€œAnd you stood there and you watched it happen­­­­­…”

β€œVictor, I can’t go back there!”

β€œDo you realize that you are equally responsible for the abduction of all the children today?”

Her eyes twitched. β€œThere was nothing I could do…”

β€œHow about telling me?”

She looked at the door. β€œGet me out of here and we can talk.”

β€œI can’t,” Victor shook his head.

Victor stared at her hard.

β€œYou’re sure?”

She nodded.


Author. Screenwriter. Blogger

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  1. Sally says:

    Evening, Fam
    I’ll return with the second part of this episode which is rather long and blood-curdling. Expect #23 on Thursday
    God bless!

  2. Anthony says:

    Haaaaa.. The past keeps unraveling very interesting details, Evelyn was pregnant for Samuel? And ishi’s mum is brave sha, being a police informant given her conditions. Lemme just preserve my popcorn and await part two.

  3. thanks Sally for this intriguing thriller

  4. B says:

    Thanks a lot Sally!!!

    The Igwe Family is a very terrifying one.

  5. Haleemah says:

    Hmmm… The Cabal at its youngest. Very intriguing. Wonder what happened to Aaron though. Good job Sally. How’s your hand btw?

    1. Duro says:

      Was he not killed? I might be getting this wrong o

      1. Duro says:

        My mistake a doctor, drug addict+drug dealer

  6. Scribbledheartbreak says:

    Nice writeup Sally-intriguing and interesting all in one…How’s your hand now, hope both have recuperated..May God be with you all through

  7. Duro says:

    Very enthralling+gripping write up Sally!! All ur writing is excellent but the Immortals is something in a class of its own….

  8. ojay says:

    immortal code ke nan. Proper action film. Love the intrigue

  9. wasmakelly says:

    longest tym, gat to rush. everything. in.a.month. now dat am thru, all I have to say is tuale to u, hope ur wrist is ok, extend my greetings to daddy and d little 1s.

  10. anita says:

    sally tanks. very intriguing.. waiting for next.

  11. iyanu says:

    Ghen ghen this story gets more intriguing by the day good ?? good job aunt Sally?? looking forward to Thursday please give us bonus episode for d sallah break pretty please!!!

  12. Ifeanyi Onochie says:

    LOL @ long and blood-curling. Thanks for the episode. I’ll be waiting with bared breath. Now, let me get to “It’s Another Novocaine Saturday”. Yaaay!

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