The much awaited ebook, In The Name Of PapaΒ is finally out!
Writing this was an experience. The most difficult book I ever had to pen down. I almost thought I wouldn’t finish.
I want to thank everyone that made this possible. My husband, Owen; my second eye, Ifeanyi Onochie; my other second eye, Nathan Adole; Blue Masquerade (for the book cover) and to all of you for reading and waiting thirstily for the completion of the book.
Did I leave anyone out?
Oh yes! Adewunmi. You know what you have done. I won’t say anything. Thank you, bae.
So, guys, this is it! I would go to sleep now if I didn’t have a very dirty house to clean. Lol.
You can get In The Name Of Papa on Okadabooks by clicking this >>>LINK. It goes for only N1500. To get the PDF version, please pay in N1500 to either of the following accounts:
First Bank
GT Bank
Salome Kenneth DadzieΒ
When you pay, please send an email to with payment proof and I’ll send you the book ASAP.
It’s not on Amazon yet. I’ll see about that maybe on Monday.
I will soon change the look of this site and include a direct epayment option. I haven’t had time to go through with the process.
So guys, I gotta run.
Please don’t forget to leave a review on Okadabooks. It would be much appreciated.
Wawoo. ….let d suspense begin to unravel
Hi Sally,
Is the eBook a continuation from where you stopped here?
Oh yeah. The long awaited book is finally here!!! ???
A review is definitely on the way. May your ink not run dry Sally ?
Weldone Cynthia. I still refer to it as Love, Your Neighbour in my head. Hope I get used to the new title.Thankyou for the complete book. Heading to buy mine.
Okada!!! Here I come
Weldone Sally . I still refer to it as Love, Your Neighbour in my head. Hope I get used to the new title.Thankyou for the complete book. Heading to buy mine.
Okada!!! Here I come
Please ignore the Cynthia over there. I meant Sally
Congrats ! U ve done it again.Cant wait to read the whole package
Yes@!! Thanks Sally. God bless you. Cheers. Xx
Yeah! Just got my copy and can’t wait to read it.
Finally!!! Thumbs up super woman, can’t wait to unravel the mystery
Its about to go down!! yaaaaay
Yaaaaay, our much awaited book is finally out. Okadabooks here i??. Would definitely drop a review. Thank you sally. More grease!
Wow, wow Sally you have outdone yourself!!!! The book is lovely…I was paranoid throughout ??? I just dey suspect upandan.. suspense on point
Congrats sally, definitely getting mine tomorrow
Well done Sally! In the Name of Papa is an amazing book and I sad to see it end. But I know that you have much more stored in you.
I finished it within a day! Couldn’t drop my phone, was nearly late to church but I knew Pastor Love would not approve.
May you never run out of inspiration and may God preserve this gift that He has given you.
Yaaayyyy.Kudos dear
I can’t say how delighted I am…
Already bought the book
Hello Sally, i have bought the book on okadabooks but cannot read it on my phone. it keeps saying it can’t download. I complained to okadabooks but cant seem to find a solution. Please can you remove the “requires ap” so i can read on my PC. Thanks
Hi Tosin,
Sorry for your issues with the okadabooks app. Unfortunately I can’t make it available for PC. There’s an issue with that in that it would allow people access the book for free online. Okadabooks is planning to find a solution to the problem.
Please take a screenshot of the book as proof that you have bought it and send an email to the address provided above and I’ll send you the PDF version
Hey Sally, cant believe i didn’t drop this review since……………………. In the Name of Papa is simply amazing, the storyline all the twists and plots, even the end seems like the beginning of another amazing story………..Sally God bless you well well
This book was full of mixed emotions for me, I cried hard at some part, especially when the church was burnt down and when Love’s bother gave his life for her, it’s such a touching story and a must read. Please read this book If u haven’t, you’ll enjoy every bit of it!