
New Download link to Fish Brain Clan


Here’s good news. I promised to get the iPhone users their own link to the book and I did.

You can now click on the button below or click on the widget by the right hand side of the blog.

Buy this on Selz
Sell digital downloads on Selz

The better news is that Blackberry and Android users can download this link as well. As long as you have a PDF viewer, you can have the book.


The best news is that you don’t have to download an app to get the book. All you put is your name and email address to confirm you clicked on the link. And once you do that, they send you an email with the link for download or you could just download from the site and not bother about the email.


Finally, it’s available on Kindle and if you use Dropbox to share files, then you’ll be able to get it as well.


And lastly, if you want a customized button like the one above to put on your site, please let me know and I will send you the code.




Author. Screenwriter. Blogger

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  1. Pls am a java phone user n ave subscribe to ur blog,bt am unable to view read ur stories.pls help

  2. Dan Auta says:

    pls, Sally. I am using nokia 808 pureview and i cant fit download this Fish Brian ebook. Abegi u fit help me forward the ebook as an attachment to my mail box? thankz

  3. Ebi says:

    Happy new year Sally, hve tried downloading wif my BlackBerry Z10 bt it kept saying sorry we can’t accept payments…..wt do I do??

    1. Sally says:

      Download the PDF version above.

  4. chinwe says:

    HI Sally, please how do I get the complete version of fish brain series. Everything please…

    You can send a reply to my mail I might not be able to trace this page.


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