If you missed episode 1 of this season of Little Black Book, click here >>>> to see it.
For those of you that have caught up, let’s move on to episode 2, which takes us deeper into the story. I won’t be giving you spoilers, though. Just bits here and there.
Tade, in typical fashion, goes snooping into Leo’s apartment and finds out more details about his mental struggles, after his father, Captain, told her that he was suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Little Black Book Season 2, Episode 1
In this episode, we also have Moshood (Jude Chukwuka) as a pesky insurance claims investigator who shows up to investigate the fire that claimed the old hotel. He seems like the troublesome time who drops a comment about Tade (Teniola Aladese) knowing “where the dead bodies are buried.”

Then, we have Jaiye (Paul Utomi) who is Leo’s cousin and now the manager of the hotel to whom Tade must answer. By the way, Jaiye and Tade had hooked up at a hotel event a while back, and she didn’t know he was Leo’s cousin. Oops! Leo has no idea too, but he makes clear to Jaiye that Tade is off limits.
(More of Jaiye/Tade/Leo in>>> Where To Find Breasts)
We have some office drama, which is going to be an occurring theme in the entire season, something you should look forward to. But my favorite scene in this episode is the one with Kyenpia (Nengi Adoki) and Leo when Kyenpia does a presentation, asking Leo to become her baby daddy. She had brought up the topic before now, but Leo had walked out on her.

Backstory—Leo and Kyenpia go way back. There’s something strong between them, but as Leo would always say, ‘she comes and goes’. The relationship dynamics is way different from what he has with Tade, who would drop her entire existence to make him happy.
Here’s an excerpt from that scene before you go and watch the entire episode.
Kyenpia opens the front door and there’s Leo standing there, leaning by the doorpost.
You said it was an emergency.
Kyenpia shows a guilty smile.
You can’t be serious, Kyenpia. I drove like a mad person
because I thought you were dying or something.
Just me, practicing my acting skills.
(walks in)
This is not even remotely funny.
Kyenpia is giggling.
For someone who claims she doesn’t want commitment,
you sure know how to demand way too much.
I sent you an apology, but you ignored it,
so, this is me saying I’m sorry over the way
things went the other day.
I could have been more… circumspect.
About what?
What I brought up.
The baby thing? Yeah, you were tactless.
I have a gift for you.
She picks a gift bag and hands it to him.
What’s this?
Open it.
He opens the bag and takes out a t-shirt.
To replace the one that was ruined by watermelon
juice, which you suddenly hate.
This is thoughtful.
I actually invited you over to present my case again
and give you valid reasons why you need me
to be the mother of your first child.
Same you that will wheeze in and
out of my life like a tinkering
Christmas light, coming to me only when you’re horny?
Son of Igwe, I am dead serious about this…
Try desperate.
Kyenpia frowns.
Why do you badly want to be a mother?
That’s why I called you here. Let me just get down to it.
She walks to a flip chart board in the corner of the room and drags it forward.
I have an entire presentation for this.
She flips the first page. It depicts funny stickmen drawings of herself. Leo, already feeling entertained, pulls a chair, sits and crosses his leg.
Go on.
(points at the first page of the chart)
First reason I want to have a baby with you.
This is me, and my biological clock,
which is… well, you know, ticking fast.
If I’m to have a baby, it has to be now
before I go into menopause.
Kyenpia, you’re just twenty-eight.
She flips the next page and points to more stickmen drawings.
Two: I don’t want to pick some
random dude from a sperm bank and
risk my kid ending up with their
sibling in the future…
(Flips next page)
Thirdly: I came from poverty. I
want my baby to have a name that
can open doors. And lastly…
(Flips the last page)
We’ll make a really cute baby together.
Aww. Quite impressive but…
(drops his leg)
Kyenpia is disappointed.
I don’t understand what no means.
(leans forward)
No means no, Kay.
So, you’re saying we–
I’m not doing anything with you, if
you do not want all of this. I’m
tired of being used by you. Plus, a
baby needs a stable home.
Look around, Leonel. Parenting has
changed. We’re in the 21st century.
Exactly. The more reason we should
make better-informed decisions,
which we’re both not ready for.
My answer remains no.
Suit yourself.
She tries to push the flip chart board but it falls. She struggles to get it back up in frustration. Leo hides a smile.
You’re putting up a tantrum because
you couldn’t wrap me around your
little finger?
You can’t beg?
Kyenpia glares at him as if he had just slapped her.
What did you just say?
(walks to her)
Beg, Kyenpia.
She laughs, stunned.
I don’t blame you. Na me cause am.
And the next thing is to ask me to leave abi?
Smiling to himself, he walks to the door.
You can see the entire episode here>>> EPISODE 2 OF LITTLE BLACK BOOK 2
If you want more about Leo and Kyenpia’s love story, catch up with them in the Love Brain Series here >>> Love Brain Series
Little Black Book was created by Sally Kenneth Dadzie, written by Sally, Marycollette Matiki-Motul and Owen Dadzie.
Seriously Nengi was the perfect the person to play Kyenpia eccentric character. The costume, makeup guys did a good job showcasing the eccentricity in her costume
Yeah, I love the casting