
Author. Screenwriter. Blogger

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  1. See what suya has caused. Chop chop people…

    1. No, dat guy’s suya was legendary

      1. All na Gobe…

        1. Lol!

          1. When are we expecting new stories nau?

          2. Hehehe. See u. U have literature greed. Me sef, I’m looking for place to be reading nu story. But nothing for now, sweetie till saturday. I have serious eye problems becos of staring into my lappy for long hours. Couldn’t even type a word after posting on saturday. Hope the blurriness clears up before NHF on saturday. Pls pray for me

          3. I’m praying for us both. Fully back to glasses because doc says i’ve got myopia. and I’m supposed to be not wearing glasses at all in my career line. May God help us all. Maybe you should get a Bluetooth keyboard or something. Get well soon. About the greed issue, you have no idea.

          4. Okay, sweetie. Thanks and praying for you too πŸ˜‰

          5. Enjoy your day

  2. Okay, okay, I just managed to stop laughing. Some funny occurrences are ever etched in memory. This made me laugh already, as in Rolling-On-The-Bed(not floor) this cold morning

    1. Morning, Oscar
      Don’t go and roll on the floor from the bed o

  3. firetrap says:

    my old man is still a maniac behind the wheels, entering any and all potholes on the road without as much as a thought to his tires. and that’s not even the half of it. its like all hell is let loose when he’s watching wrestling. but as u no chop that suya no good oh, if na me, peace no go dey for that house that night oh. as I take like suya reach the man no go even meet am for my hand talk more of to trowey am

  4. Estizzy says:

    Damn! Was heartbroken at that suya flinging part. It’s not fair oh. :'(

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