Stories, The Fourth Finger

Read Nimide Ogbeun’s Review Of The Fourth Finger On Bellanaija

Hi fam,

Hope your week is going great? Well, mine just got better when I got a chat message from Ofili, telling me The Fourth Finger review was on Bellanaija’s #LiterallyWhatsHot.

Yay! It feels good and I’m grateful to you guys for believing in me and pushing me this far. Not an easy something. But it’s just the beginning.

So, I’m going to ask you a huge favor this afternoon. Huge one, especially from those of you who have read The Fourth Finger. I need y’all to show me the same love you show me here by bombarding the comment section and sharing your experience. Did you enjoy Fourth Finger? Please comment. Did you enjoy episode 1-21 and wish to read the whole book? Please comment and I may just be nice and send it to you (not promising o).

But be honest as you can. Just don’t read the review and walk away. Drop your comments, share, help my ministry. I would immensely appreciate it.

Nimide Ogbeun, editor of did the review. So, go ahead, read an excerpt and I’ll see you at the other side.







Let me start by saying … Sally Kenneth Dadzie’s The Fourth Finger is one hell of an entrancing read!

The 663 paged novel is so intricately woven that my head was left spinning from the plots and twists that came with it.

It started with Raji and Christie, Raji who is married to Salma and Christie to Raji’s best friend, Folarin. Please hang in there … it gets even more interesting …

Things take a different turn when they are caught in a web of lies, adultery and deceit with their partners none the wiser. The adulterous tempest doesn’t end with them, but spreads through several other characters in this book, like the biblical Jezebel, looking for who to devour.

Click to continue reading>>>


Author. Screenwriter. Blogger

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  1. Adeola gem says:

    Yes, I read Ms Sally’s ” The Fourth Finger” 6 times back to back. And I must admit, this review does justice to the book. Ms Sally as I always call her is a vampire when it comes to writing. Most times, I always wish I could have just a moment with her brain…lol

    Yes, I am addicted to her works and this was no exception. In fact, I couldn’t hold myself, I kept telling my friends to visit her blog so that they can also feel the orgasm I always felt whenever I read her works most especially ” the fourth finger” β€œthe immortal code” , β€œit’s another Saturday” and β€œNovocaine Knight” .
    Watch out for ” Its Another Novocaine Saturday” and your imagination will soar.

    Trust me, Ms Sally is da bomb.

    1. Sally says:

      6 times! Wow!
      Busrat, you make me blush and I’m not even fair
      Bless you, girl. You’re an angel

  2. Zee says:

    I have always been ur fan and remain ur fan. u are one of the few that writes books that get me asking for more and more. I don’t know how u do it but u are so original, so real…. u r also strong. I doff my cap for u, lady. I enjoyed it… Kudos… a standing ovation….

    1. Sally says:

      Thank you so much, Zee

  3. Temmy says:

    The fourth finger is so thrilling and intriguing at the same time, it’s not every time you see that in a book, I’m glad I bought it and I’ll do it all over again
    Sally is so talented, you rock our world with all this… keep it up ma’am

    1. Sally says:

      Thank you, Temmy

  4. Done. Commented on bella naija.

    1. Sally says:

      Thank you, dear

  5. Sandra says:

    done! dropped my comment there. Oya lemie even buy the book now self. Sally same account details as the one u used when u sold fish brain mad house right???

  6. adesola says:

    Sally ma’am.. More ink to ur pen, and may God continue to refill u in Jesus name.

  7. yes I enjoyed the fourth finger, and I devoted myself to all the chapters with equal attention. no writer as the kind of effect you have on me, you will continue to grow in wisdom to write more interesting story for us. please finish up is another Novocaine Saturday. much love!!!

  8. Eedrees says:

    My internet addiction nd lov for literature is wat brought me in contact wit dis gifted intellect (Mss Sally). Nd my only dissapointment is dat i cnt come here nd read always bt d suspense makes d wait more worthy. Just like d old wine, ur works keep gettin better. And ‘the fourth finger’ is damn intriguing. I fell in love wit oll d characters especially High Mistress. It is such a pity dat i may be readin d rest part ASAP. Kudos Miss Sally.

  9. tolu says:

    Pls release the rest or how can I get it.

  10. omada hope says:

    all ur write ups alway me makes anticipate d next one, the fourth was a very interesting read, keep it up and may God continue to empower you.

  11. Samits says:

    Got the book yesterday, still reading tho. Thumbs up

  12. jane says:

    so so amazing !;I have been trying to download the remaining part but I couldn’t pls sally send. God bless u

  13. Rachael says:

    Please, madam do release for us ooo

  14. keep your comments rolling on bella naija, I have commented again. let’s keep bombarding their comment section.

  15. dassie says:

    aunt sally rocks….. is always on the first page of my browser… yourstories are everly fascinating…. more ink to your pen ma’am

  16. wumi says:

    You want stories in which you would relate with the characters as if they are real? Fourth finger is it and all of Sally’s stories. I got hooked from the very first time I came here. Sally, I have been mailing you for the PDF and you have not replied any of my mails. Why nah?

  17. reni says:

    i totally agree with the review. i think the book actually brought to light social issues that our society would rather sweep under the rug. cheating is regarded as a normal occurence…and nobody really talks about the emotional consequences on the partners being cheated on and their families if married.
    the other really interesting perspective is the cheating wife…this is definitely not talked about in our society….on one hand, it is intolerable in our ‘African society’ on the other hand, such women are rarely given second chances.
    Finally, on the concept of ‘illegal-love’ like that of Raji and Christie…that is a tricky one…should one seek happiness at all cost? even at the expense other people’s emotions?? I’ll leave that to the powers that be.

    Sally, you definitely outdid yourself on this one…thumbs up to you.

  18. anita says:

    wat can i say, say i ve read all ur book frm to tame a virgin to d latest fourth finger nd i ve neva bin disappointed. u r agr8. writer. d 4th finger is filled wit a lot of intrigues dat will make ones heart beat pump fast. i was fulfilled reading d episodes nd ve recommended bout 10 of my friends nd dey became as addicted as i am. kudos sally

  19. mystiq18 says:

    I don’t call her Aunty Sally for nothing… She touches the depth of my soul with her writing, reading her blog is one of the top ten things I can’t do without every week.

    Reading fourth finger is a journey I can commence on every day without batting my eyelid till am done…it crosses all forms of emotions one can think about. With a thousand lessons to be learnt. My favorite character was Folarin ,his forgiving spirit was beyond comprehension. Great work Sally u inspire n teach through writing things worth more than paid sessions can.

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