Stranger In Lagos, Uncategorized

Stranger In Lagos – What’s Next?

I have a special announcement for all my Stranger In Lagos fans.

But before that I’d like to drop a word on behalf of the guest writers here. It’s not their intention to start a series and then leave without finishing it. Some of them get caught up with work and have to face that before anything else.

Please, bear with them.

Now, concerning Stranger In Lagos, I will still need some time. I’m not writing it on the go. Just like the first fourteen episodes, I have to send it to my editor after I am done. And i’m not done :(.

The delay is due to the fact that I got dumped with a shitload of work which still has me swamped. The series is a work-in-progress and I will be back with the continuation. I’ll advice that you follow me on Twitter and like my Facebook page to get updates as soon as it drops. Don’t become lastma on that series when I eventually continue.

Please bear with me on the delay.

Meanwhile, catch up with the new Instagram series Dugo HERE. I can’t believe you’re not reading it yet.

I want to appreciate everyone who comes here to read and comment and share. Please, don’t be a stranger.

Below is a survey I’d like you to help me participate in. I would appreciate your feedback. And if you have any suggestion or advice to help me be a better writer or to improve this blog, please drop it in the comment section.

Edit: The survey has been shut down for now. Thanks to everyone who participated.


Author. Screenwriter. Blogger

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  1. Gift says:

    How do I submit the feedback from the poll

    1. Sally says:

      So sorry about this. I’m sure it was an error on the page

  2. Jk says:

    It was difficult to choose my favorite of the series. We should have been allowed to choose 2 or 3.

    Also, I will prefer strangers in Lagos drop as a book instead of continuing as a series.

    1. Sally says:

      I tweaked the survey due to your request. Concerning Stranger In Lagos I will take it in advisement.
      Thank you for the feedback

  3. mesmaggie says:

    See ehn Sally, it is very unfair to ask which is my favourite… It’s like asking me to choose between my 3 children.

    I love Raji, Folarin, Fabrice, Leonel, Haliru(James), Lanre, Jideofor, Dominic, Maimood, Ace, Luper

    I love Biyanka, Honey, Salma, Christie, Kyenpia, Genesis, Tombra, Eva(u killed her), Dugo,

    So in summary, i love all these people, i cannot even refer to them as characters because they are real to me o… we have relationships going on, from cousin to best friend to husband to boyfriend etc….

    So if you can create another spin-off with all these people in it and let it go on for a year, i will LOVE YOU FOREVER…hehehe

    Just to let you know that you are amazing and extraordinary and passionate and intelligent and……

    I am recently discovered you in March and i bought all your books on okadabooks and have caught up on all your series.

    You always leave me for more.

    Finally, i cannot vote because i will be cheating on my other loves.

    1. mesmaggie says:

      Leave me wanting** for more.

    2. TurbanGirl says:

      This person has said all I wanted to say oo
      I love them all the bad, the good, the not so bad, the not so goo, every character you write about. Picking a favourite in one story is hard enough to now join them all together, that is an impossible feat. But lemme goan try sha

    3. Sally says:

      Your last line got me laughing. But thanks for being a huge fan. I am grateful.

      Much love

  4. Nuderess says:

    Sally, it’s so unfair to make us choose! I love all the series I’ve read here and all the characters too… Everyone has their own representation to me! Both male and female. Choosing was really hard and I couldn’t pick more than one.
    I’ve been an ardent follower since I stumbled upon My Little Black Book. I’ve all your books too. May your oil never run dry. Thanks for cheering me up those times I’m on the low when just reading your stories alone was all I needed. God bless you jillions

    1. Nuderess says:

      Dugo is real Bae too

      1. Sally says:

        I know, right πŸ™‚

    2. Sally says:

      And bless you too, Nuderess. You’re a star

  5. Etoya says:

    This survey is not complete oh… there should be a ‘choose it all’ option! I simply do not have a favourite.

    1. Sally says:

      I know. Me too. Thank you, Etoya

  6. As you can see from my answers, I almost chose all. Thank God for that option. Where I had to select one, I filled in other people’s names for Others. #Lobatan

    1. Sally says:

      Loool. Thank you, Kemi. Always appreciated

  7. Hello Sally,

    As you can see, I was majorly undecided and I took my time to actually dissect the characters in order to make my choice. But pleeeeeeeaaaaaaassssssse, is The Darker Berry a book cos I NEED to complete it.
    You are an inspiration ma!

    1. Sally says:

      Thank you for the feedback, Oluwatofunmi. The Darker Berry is not yet a book. Tomi and I have been so busy on projects that we don’t have time to come together and finish this. But we’ll try

  8. TurbanGirl says:

    You put so much thought into creating your stories, it shows in the characters, you go in depth with them, so much so they become so real, they become the reader’s friend, lover, family. I read stories a lot, all types and I always find it fascinating that you can write about so many people in the same story and still each person is completely different. No one is cheated, we know their stories and go through everything they do with them. Fish Brain is one of my favourite stories from you, Fourth Finger and DHM, it’s another Novocaine Saturday, Biyankavitch and its prequels, all the stories.

    You have a gift and I wish you greatness always

    1. Sally says:

      Thank you, TurbanGirl. It’s a blessing to have you here

  9. Ejiro says:

    I’m so sorry Sally, I really can’t choose because I love all your characters and all your books and series.

    Like someone commented, voting will look like cheating on the others.

    1. Sally says:

      That comment made me laugh. I understand and I appreciate it.

  10. Seye says:

    This poll isn’t an absolute representation of what I feel about everything I have read on here. Forget the answers, all characters have left an impression on me. You make them so real and relatable.
    Thank you for blessing us with your gift. This is not me massaging your ego, you are good, very good.

    1. Sally says:

      I am touched by your constant presence here, Seye. Thank you so much

  11. Scribbledheartbreak says:

    To choose my favorite will be very hard because for each i read with a different mindset and fell in love.. But i’ll say i love β€œ NO HEART FEELINGS” that was the very first story i read and it got me addicted… But still i love all😫😫😊😊😊

    1. Sally says:

      Thank you so much. I’m pleased to know that.

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