People believed she walked through walls, disappeared and appeared at will, moved about only at night, and of course, possessed untold supernatural powers. She was called the Black Witch, most dreaded amongst womenβand men.

It's a bit of a story…
People believed she walked through walls, disappeared and appeared at will, moved about only at night, and of course, possessed untold supernatural powers. She was called the Black Witch, most dreaded amongst womenβand men.
For me, it started with an eight-year journey away from home. I had been abducted on the night of my eighth birthday, taken from my bed while my family slept
As promised, The Black Witch is now available on Amazon. For your Kindle store, follow this>>>>>>LINK Don’t forget to drop your reviews and help me sell my market. Have a merry Christmas, y’all!
Happy Sunday, guys! I’m having a chill day here, just about to get into the graphics of Dugo before I post up the new episode on Instagram. So, I’m sure a lot of you are wondering about Stranger In Lagos. Don’t wonder too much. The story is very much alive. There is a ‘but’, however. …