Test-The-Terone: Can Men Really Do Without Sex

Conversation between two mobile users. One female and the other, male. BABE: R u gay? GUY: WAT???????!!!! BABE: Well I… GUY: Well, wat? BABE: D last tym I was at ur place, u rebuffed all my advances n its not d 1st time. GUY: Oh dat… BABE: Seriously r u gay? No guy has done dat 2me… GUY: Oh, beliv me ur sexy! But …

In A World That’s Dissappearing – condoms for kids?

Growing up in a conservative Christian home as a minister’s kid, there were certain things we never talked about and number one on the list was sex. When I had my first period, my mom went like, ‘now if a man touches you, you will get pregnant,” and that was it for Sex Education 101. …