Hi guys, I want to say something… I have failed you guys… By not answering comments as I should… I feel bad over this… I am very sorry…. I’ll start doing things right from today. Thank you. And for today’s episode… Kasiobi’s mouth has just gone dry. His hands holding his phone are both unable …
Boys With Toys #9
Happy Valentine’s Day, people! And happy birthday, KKN. Have fun reading this Valentine episode. Unfortunately, I would be absent for a while. Guest posts will continue. So enjoy and please, share this across social media. It’s just once click and it’s done. and yes, talk to me about it in the comment section. Make love …
Boys With Toys #6
Sorry, this is coming late. The email notifications will be delayed as well. Hope you enjoy reading it. For those of you who have contacted Audrey Timms and the email bounced back, try dianaokhah@yahoo.com The boardroom was alive with voices raised in intense argument. The topic was over the type of models to use for …
Boys With Toys #3
“Oga, na dis street?” Khalid answered the question with a distracted nod. His eyes were fixed on the exterior of his house where a utility van was parked. “Just stop here.” The cab rolled to a halt at the sidewalk of the quiet street that led to the house. “We’ll wait small,” Khalid told the …
To Tame A Virgin #9
Read previous posts of To Tame a Virgin HERE “So…you’re not going to tell me what happened to you, Temi?” Uyi was sitting with Temi on her bed, under the dimming light of a rechargeable lantern in her bedroom. The power had gone out, having run out of electricity credits on the meter. Temi was …