The Fourth Finger

The Fourth Finger #20

Previous episodes of The Fourth Finger


Tired after her long meeting, Christie arrived at the hospital to visit Bernadette and her baby at exactly 7pm. A nurse at the reception, upon recognizing her, presented a perky smile.

β€œMrs. Adediran, longest time! So nice to see you. How is the family?”

β€œEveryone’s fine.”

β€œAnd Boluwatife? Last time I saw her, her front teeth were out.”

β€œShe’s all grown now.”

β€œAww, my love to her. You’re here to see Mrs. Uchendu, right?”


β€œWell, she is not out of surgery yet,” the nurse replied.

Christie put out a confused face. β€œShe had a caesarian?”

β€œYes but she’s still in the theater. There was a little complication and they had to wheel her back in.”

β€œComplication? What happened?”

β€œNothing serious. It will be sorted out. The baby is fine, though. You can go and see him. It’s not visiting hours but just because it’s you, I will let you in.”

β€œThank you.”

β€œOur new private wing is that white building on the right as you walk it. When you step out, follow the path on your left and you’ll see a small gate. Enter there. The baby is with his dad.”

Christie thanked her again and began heading out, not catching when she added that Folarin was also around.

There was a slight drizzle when Christie stepped out. She docked from it on her way to the ward, lucky to get in before it became a full downpour.

β€œI’m here to see Mrs. Uchendu’s baby, please,” she said to a nurse at the front desk who also recognized her.

β€œSecond to the last door on your right. Please, you can only stay for fifteen minutes, ma.”


Christie followed a long corridor that led down to double doors opening into another part of the hospital. She came to the door described by the nurse and found it ajar. Walking in quietly, her face came to a smile. But it swiftly vanished when she saw Folarin alone with the baby. He gave her a glance and turned back to the little boy whom he was rocking.

β€œGood evening, Fola.”

β€œHey, unfamiliar person.”

His response caught Christie on the hop and she studied him for some seconds, unsure if the ice had been broken or he was being unpleasant.

β€œWhere’s Izu?”

β€œWaiting outside the operating theater for his wife.”

Christie took a seat. The room was below normal temperature to keep the baby protected and it caused her some discomfort but she didn’t mind. The sight before her was a pleasant diversion. Folarin seemed to have fallen in love with the bundle of adorability in his arms. Christie soon found herself infected with the same bug. It brought memories of Vanessa’s birth and how he had been so obsessed, staying awake on many nights just to watch her sleep, fussing over every little movement she made and worrying himself to silliness if something felt different about her. It had been an amazing time for them as a couple but it didn’t last long. Christie was quick to return to work, an act which she presently regretted. Time had passed so fast and she was just realizing she had missed almost every major milestone in Vanessa’s life.

β€œYou want to hold him?” Folarin asked. She shook her head. She was already in an emotional state and was fighting to keep it together. One touch of the Uchendu baby was bound to mess her up.

The door opened and a stretcher carrying Bernadette was wheeled in by two nurses as Izu followed behind.

β€œHey, Christie,” he greeted and stopped for a hug. β€œI didn’t think you’d come, busy madam.”

β€œWell, I’m here, and I’ve seen baby. He is so gorgeous. Congratulations.”

β€œThank you. But this is the last, abeg.” He shook his head, his eyes on his wife who was being taken off the stretcher to the bed.

β€œMadam here went through hell. If no be for God…” He tsked. β€œBut sha we no do again. Four children don do me. I pass the baton to you guys. Abi Chief?” He threw his head at Folarin but found him distracted with the baby.

β€œSo did Raji show up for the meeting?” Izu inquired.


β€œAnd he’s phone’s still off?”

β€œI didn’t bother to check again. You should try and call him.”

β€œI will. Thank you so much for coming. Berna will be glad when she wakes up. She kept asking after you, saying that if you were here and you prayed, things would go well.”

Christie smiled. Once upon a time, she was a prayer warrior, heading an intercessory group in her church called the Gap Partners. Their specific duty was to stand in the gap for others through prayers. It was highly believed then that God had a special liking for Christie. Whenever she prayed, he answered. But these days, the story was different. She didn’t have the fervency she was known for and doubted that God would answer her as he used to.

β€œSir? Madam?” one of the nurses called, referring to Folarin and Christie. β€œPlease, we would ask you to excuse our patient and her baby so that they can rest. Visiting hours are over. You can come back tomorrow morning.”

Folarin placed the baby in the nurse’s care and stood. After farewells were made, he started out, Christie following closely behind. Out in the open air, the weather was back to normal with little trace that it had rained. Christie was tempted to follow Folarin to his car but she held back, unsure of what his reaction would be. She preferred to approach him in the confines of their home.

She walked to her car and got into the backseat. Her driver was asleep. He jolted up at her entry.

β€œTake me home, Abraham.”

β€œOkay, ma. We’re done for the night?” He yawned.


Christie tried her best not to be unhappier than she already was. Getting Folarin’s attention was exhausting. She closed her eyes and rubbed tears of frustration away.

β€œAbraham.” She heard Folarin’s voice and a tap on the hood of the car. β€œTake my car home.”

She nudged up and looked out. He was standing outside. Abraham promptly obeyed his instruction and they switched places.

β€œWhat’s going on?” Christie asked.

β€œRelax, madam. I’m taking you home,” Folarin retorted.

β€œThen let me come to the front.”


He started the car and Christie kept mute as he navigated it out of the hospital premises. He was quiet for a bumpy stretch of time until they were trapped in mild traffic.

β€œI think it’s time we revisited that talk of having another baby.”


β€œWe should get pregnant again. It’s about time.”

Christie held her breath. She didn’t want to believe that he had finally spoken to her and was moving past the chasm between them.

β€œYou heard me?”


And just like that she broke down, days of accumulated emotions coming to an end. She left where she sat and went behind his seat.

β€œI’m so sorry,” she cried in relief. β€œSo, so sorry, chief.”

She coated his face and head with wet kisses.

β€œGo back to your seat, Christina. You don’t get to gloss things over with kisses.”

β€œI know, and I’m not trying to…”

β€œGo back.”

Christie gave him some distance but stayed where she was, managing through silence until they arrived home. Abraham had just parked Folarin’s car and was leaving the house when they drove in.

β€œGo in and make sure Vanessa’s asleep,” Folarin instructed Christie. β€œWe have to talk.”

Christie entered her house, emotionally elated, yet a little apprehensive. Β The new maid she had hired to clean and look after Vanessa after school hours was waiting with a frown. Christie was three hours late. To avoid explaining herself, she counted some money and pushed into the woman’s hands for the extra hours.

β€œI’m sorry,” she apologized.

The woman masked on a smile. β€œBoluwatife just started sleeping.”


β€œMa, some people brought some things from your office. I kept them in front of your room door.”

β€œIs the American woman around?”


β€œAlright then. You can leave. Thank you.”

The woman made her exit and Christie hurried to her bedroom. As directed by Toni, she had planned for a romantic setting with the items delivered to her from the office but the hospital visit and ride home with Folarin had put a twist to the whole arrangement. She shoved the items aside and opted for a shower instead.

When she was done, she dashed out to answer her phone which she realized had been ringing. When she saw it was Mosun calling, she cringed. She had totally forgotten to send her driver to get her mother-in-law.

β€œThat’s how you didn’t come to pick mommy,” Mosun complained.

β€œI’m sorry. I’ll come and get her tomorrow morning. And you’ll come with us too, abi? It’s my birthday.”

β€œI know. But I have to travel to Ibadan to see my friend that gave birth.”

β€œOkay. When you’re done, you can come. There’s no party, though. I’ll bake a cake and cook some rice and chicken.”

β€œI’ll be there.”

β€œOkay, Mosun. Thank you so much for your patience and for taking care of Nessa.”

β€œTife’s my child. Don’t thank me abeg.”

β€œThank you.”

β€œJust reconcile with your husband.”

β€œI will. Goodnight, Mosun.”

β€œSleep well, dear.”

Mosun rang off. Christie took a peep outside and saw that Folarin was still seated in her car. It was now almost 11pm and she was worried about him.

She entered the kitchen to boil a pack of spaghetti and while it cooked, she microwaved some gizzard stew prepared the day before. Just as she was done cooking, she heard the front door close. Abandoning the meal, she left the kitchen to the sitting room. Folarin broke his steps when she came into view. Clad in a silky kimono from Toni’s romance package, her delicate parts were barely covered. She saw that Folarin’s attention was well arrested. A look of desire she was acquainted took over his facial features, slowly erasing the cold expression he had carried for days. It was the only green light she needed to make her move. She walked to him and without being asked, rested her head on his shoulder.

β€œFolarin, I’ve done everything I can to get your attention but nothing has worked. I went all out today, put myself out there, exposed everything just to say I’m sorry but you didn’t pick my calls or call back…”

She paused, noted how he didn’t hold her.

β€œYou don’t know how happy I am that you finally spoke to me but I’m still scared. I don’t know what else to do. I had planned to seduce you this night, with candlelight, rose petals everywhere, wine in a bucket of ice, a collection of our favorite songs together… But I don’t know if you’ll care. I don’t know…”

Her voice thinned out.

β€œI don’t know what you want, chief. If you want us to work this out, then please…”

He stopped her with a sudden grasp of her waist that brought her body closer into his. And then he squeezed her as though he wanted to absorb all of her into him.

β€œI am so sorry,” she sobbed.

β€œShh…Christina. It’s okay,” he whispered into her ear as he inhaled the minty scent of her hair. β€œGod, I’ve missed you.”

His arms around her tightened in a pacifying embrace, stilling the tremors her tears brought as his lips grazed over her neck, traveled to her cheek and stopped to feel the ampleness of her lips.

β€œI know you want to talk,” he said, β€œbut first…”

He kissed her lower lip, and then took much of her mouth in a greedy, yet affectionate manner. He worked her tongue in a rhythm that was new to her and pretty soon the intensity between climbed went out control. So strong was the urgency that they didn’t quite make it to any of the sofas. Christie dragged him to the nearest wall where she let him kiss her further. His scent after a long day of work which was often of leather and something mildly fruity mixed with his masculinity drove her over the edge. They took their fiery seven minutes past first base and went all the way, right there on the wall.


One of the things Folarin had missed about her was their quickies. It used to be a thing with them at the early stage of their marriage. While normal couples had quickies mostly because of time constraint or instant desire, he and Christie had them for fun. They would literally starve themselves of normal, long-winded sex just to feel the thrill of a quick shag in the most unusual of places.

It took Folarin heartbreak over Christie’s affair with Raji for him to realize she still enjoyed being wild in bed but also relished emotional moments at chosen times of the month, owing to her menstrual cycle. During such days, she was more nurturing and sensitive while her wild days left her in the full bloom of her creativity.

It had been painful for Folarin to accept that along the years he had been complacent with just giving her some part of him, never trying to go further, even when they shifted and grew from what they used to be. It was also difficult for him to accept that he exuded bitterness in a passive manner each time he felt belittled by her status. This had pushed her farther away from their union and into her career where Raji was a constant.

When Folarin embraced these truths, it was easy for him to see that her actions were never done in spite but rather as a result of carrying a heavy crown. She had needed a man to ease the load sometimes but he hadn’t been there. Rather, he asserted his manhood by satisfying her in bed and paying the bills, leaving a gaping hole that grew wider between them.

This wasn’t to say he didn’t do his best as a husband and a father. He knew he aced his duties but he knew he could have done more and gotten off his ass when the opportunity to excel in life came knocking so many times.

It was this deep soul-searching and acceptance of truth that gave him the strength to forgive Christie, in anticipation of starting together on a clean slate.

β€œThis feels like falling in love with you again,” he told her when they lay on their bed much later, following a second round of yet another quickie and a meal of Christie’s spaghetti and gizzard stew.

As they listened to a collection of songs that had helped Christie heal over the past week, they had a quiet heart-to-heart to thrash out their issues. The conversation was hard on both of them with unexpressed issues brought to the fore and resolved. Concessions were to be made and difficult decisions taken for their marriage and home to heal. Folarin unapologetically told Christie that trusting her again would be challenging. She took his words bravely but cracked when he let out the news that he would spend close to four months away from her traveling around the continent.

Her reaction was a mixture of happiness and sadness. She was happy for and proud of him but was sad that he would be away for so long.

β€œHow do I handle CJ and Nessa all on my own? I suck at being a mom.”

β€œYou’ll do great, Chris.”

He kissed her navel and left the bed to pour himself a glass of wine. He stood by the window, staring at the dogs howling outside. The temperature of their bedroom was subzero but he didn’t notice. He was nude and Christie thought he looked regal. Her eyes followed the familiar tattoos from his back to his arms and to his chest where she found a new one she didn’t recognize.

She walked up to him.

β€œYou have a new tattoo?”

Her finger caressed the pattern of an infinity tattoo with an anchor looped to it. It also had the word β€˜family’ written on one end.

β€œWhat does it mean?”

β€œThose are two tattoos actually,” Folarin answered, his gaze on her. He craved to feel the smoothness of her skin beneath his lips in an unrushed session of lovemaking.

β€œThe anchor symbolizes my faith which I had to renew when I found out about you and Raji and lost my mind. The infinity is about what we share, you and I, and the children. It symbolizes limitless love. I inked it on when I was most tempted to leave. It helped me stay back.”

β€œIt’s beautiful.”

Her eyes wandered into his and caught the blatant need in them. It was a reflection of what she wanted. She went on tiptoe just as he lowered his head. Christie sucked in her breath the moment their lips met. But Folarin stopped.

β€œDon’t stop.”

He devoured her mouth, burying his fingers into her hair. He took her to the bed and laid her on it. At a slow pace, his lips caressed every bit of her. He particularly drove her wild with kisses along her spine, starting from the cleft of her bum up to the fine hairs on her neck. By the time he propped her tummy up on a pillow and slid into her, she was already near orgasm.

But he tortured her with slow thrusts, bringing her to the brink many times and plunging her down. He made love to her in different positions, with adoring words that made her cry and laugh at the same time. When she finally came, it was with a gush of emotions. They both slumped into a heap. She dug into the bed covers as sleep took her but Folarin reached in and held her.

β€œHappy birthday, Christina.”

She had scarcely heard him. Her eyes were shut in sleep.



The morning was a lazy one for Andre and Toni. After picking Toni from the airport at 4am, Andre took her back to his house and they goofed around in the kitchen while fixing a meal that ended up tasting awful. They settled for wine and snacks instead, making out and taking photos in-between. Afterwards they made love and Toni fell asleep, waking up two hours later. An unusual sound drew her to the sitting room. When she strolled in there, she discovered it was a video playing on Andre’s laptop The face of Andre’s late wife, Anouk, drew her in and she moved closer.

But she saw that Andre was not watching. He was lying on his back on one of the couches, eyes closed but fingers drumming the air.


He opened his eyes. β€œYou’re awake.”

β€œYeah. You’re watching videos of Anouk.”

β€œI…found them in my laptop.”

β€œAre you okay?”

β€œI am. Just thinking that it’s time to let her go.”

He took Toni’s hand and heaved her over his body.

β€œI’ve been so obsessed with getting justice that I haven’t really said goodbye. And it’s been three years – of anger and pain and…”

His voice broke. She looked at him. His face showed no emotion. Just a parting of his lips to let out air.

β€œAnouk deserves her justice, Andre.”

β€œShe has gotten it. She’s resting. And it’s time for me to let it rest too.”

Toni placed her head on his chest. She didn’t think it was time to tell him that she had something up her sleeves for the animal that murdered Anouk. It was all going to come to light soon.

β€œI’m sorry for your loss, Fabrice.”

β€œYou’re helping me forget. Thank you for being in my life. It was very lonely without you.”

His trimmed fingernails harmlessly scratched her back.

β€œLet’s go out for breakfast. There’s a joint down the road…”

Toni lifted her head.

β€œI don’t do bukas and roadside food,” she informed him with a straight face.

β€œI’ll teach you.”

β€œIt’s unhealthy.”

β€œYour parents spoilt you a lot, Tone. And yet they taught you how to smoke.”

β€œYeah, the smoking thing is a family tradition. And it’s ironic that my biological mother who has never held a cigarette in her life has lung cancer and no one in my foster family even has a mild cough.”

β€œLife is strange sometimes.”

β€œUnfair, rather.”

Her face turned sad.

β€œSo, on the topic of you being spoilt, you’re saying you’ve not traveled on road before, you drink only bottled water and you’ve never worn anything secondhand?”

β€œYep.” Toni responded to the change of topic favorably. β€œAje butter to the core.”

β€œWell, then one day, you and I will hop into my car and travel anywhere you choose by road, eat roadside food, shit in the bushes, drink sachet water, and if you get food poisoning I’ll be by your bedside in the hospital until you get better.”

β€œAww, that’s romantic.”

Andre shut his laptop and pulled her up for a kiss.

β€œLet’s go and eat.”

They got into his car and made it to an eatery that was just opening its doors for the day. A typical red and yellow space welcomed them in. They made their orders and sat in a place where they wouldn’t be bothered much by people coming in or out.

Towards the end of their meal, Toni received a call from Dapo. Because her hands were busy, she put him on speakerphone.

β€œHey, sis,” he greeted. β€œMorning.”

She smiled. She loved being called β€˜sis’. Her foster siblings had never addressed her in that manner.

β€œMorning Dapo.”

β€œAre you coming home today at all?”

β€œYes, I am.” She looked at Andre who was shaking his head in disagreement. β€œMuch later.”

β€œOkay, I want to speak to you about something. Is this a good time?”

β€œGo ahead.” Toni dipped a piece of chicken into some hot sauce and waited.

β€œEm…so, I like Leticia.”

Toni’s hand stopped moving.

β€œI think she’s an amazing person and I’d like to get to know her better.”

β€œAre you serious?”

β€œYes, I am.”

β€œShe’s seven years older than you, Dapo.”

β€œI know, I know. But that doesn’t mean anything to me. I like her.”

β€œIn the space of just one week?”

β€œHow long does it take to like someone? I liked her from the first day and I think she feels something for me too but she doesn’t want to pursue it. She’s playing the β€˜aunty’ card with me.”

β€œShe’d better.”

β€œToni, I’m only telling you this so that it doesn’t come as a shock if something happens between us.”

Toni put her chicken down. She had lost her mood to continue eating. Andre held back laughter at her facial expression. She stoned him with a soiled serviette.

β€œAnd I think she’s scared of what you’ll say,” Dapo went on. β€œSo, I need you to let her know, whenever the discussion comes up, that you’re okay with it.”

β€œBut I’m not.”

Andre whispered, β€œdon’t do that, Tone.”

β€œTish is a ho,” she whispered back.

β€œYou said?” Dapo asked

β€œDapo…” Toni sighed. β€œI’m sure this has to do with some strong sexual chemistry between you two…”

β€œNo. I like her.”

Dapo stopped there. He didn’t say any more.

β€œWell, you’re both adults, so…”

β€œI’ll be good with her. I don’t go into relationships easily, and I’m there for the long haul.”

Toni felt sad for him already. Leticia was going to chew him up and spit him out. The worst thing a man could ever do to himself was to fall in love with her. She would make him a doormat.

But Toni couldn’t tell Dapo this.

β€œThank you, Toni.”

β€œEarlier on, at the airport you were telling me something about Lade? I was too tired to hear.”

β€œYes. She’s in a mood. But I think you should come home and talk to her. She won’t talk to anybody, not even Tayo.”

β€œWhat happened?”

β€œI don’t know. Just come home.”

Toni became restless from then on, unable to finish her breakfast. Andre took her home and on their way into her compound, they saw Tayo driving out. He let down his window as Toni walked to his car while Andre searched for a parking space on the street.

β€œHow’s Lade?”

β€œShe won’t talk. She’s been crying. She hasn’t slept…” Tayo sighed. His eyes were tired. He looked like he hadn’t slept as well.

β€œWhere are you going?”

β€œI want to buy bread and eggs to make breakfast for her. She hasn’t eaten.”

β€œLet me talk to her.”

Toni made her way in without Andre who was easing his car into a parking space in front of her neighbor’s gate.

She walked into the house. It was quiet at first but she heard the voices of Leticia and Dapo. Toni figured they were in Leticia’s bedroom. She planned to speak to Lade but felt it was better to get proper information on what led to her present state of mind. Hence, she strode to Leticia’s bedroom and fell upon a scene that made her uneasy. She stood for some time and neither Leticia nor Dapo were aware of her presence. Both half-dressed and lying on Leticia’s bed, they were making out intensely.

Toni withdrew quietly and went knocking on Lade’s door.

β€œIt’s me, Lade. Toni.”

The door opened. Lade emerged from the dimly lit bedroom and clasped her hands around Toni. A low whimper broke out from her throat.

β€œIt’s okay, darling.”

She held her until she stopped crying. By now, everyone else had congregated. Toni guided her into her favorite red couch in the sitting room and pleaded with her to talk.

Lade heartbreakingly recalled the events of the previous day and what Lulu had divulged to her about Manny’s devious actions. Her story left everyone cold except Tayo, whose anger started at a low and boiled over by the time she was done speaking.

β€œI knew that guy had nothing good up his sleeves!”

β€œDid you ask him if he really did it?” Toni questioned Lade.

β€œHe and I spoke last night. At first he denied but when I threatened him that I was holding a bottle of insecticide and I would swallow it if he didn’t tell me the truth, he confessed that everything Lulu said was true.”

β€œAww, baby.” Toni held her in a cuddle.

β€œGive me his address, Lade.” Tayo came forward.

Lade sat straight. β€œTayo, no.”

β€œLade, I wasn’t making a suggestion. Give me his address!”

β€œTayo, calm down. I don’t want any violence–”

β€œOmolade, what are you talking about?!” He towered over her and Toni. β€œYou’re my wife! He hurt you and me together! He killed our baby! It is not your fight anymore! It’s mine! Give me the bastard’s address!”

β€œTayo,” Andre called. Tayo looked at him. He made calming hand gestures. β€œWe will handle him in an appropriate way.”

Tayo took off his face cap and ran his hand over his head.

β€œTayo, chill.” Dapo leaned back on his chair. β€œWe can get him anytime. Right now, Lade is more important.”

Everyone’s eyes focused on her.

β€œHow are you feeling, dear?” Leticia, teary-eyed, asked.

Lade shook her head. β€œI’m still in shock that somebody who said he loved me would do that to me. I can’t get over it.”

β€œYou will. In time.” Toni patted her head and rested it on hers. β€œOne day, you’ll go through the morning and night and the next morning without remembering any of this.”

She rubbed her back. β€œWe’re all here for you, sweetie. Mommy sends her love. She’s responding to treatment and once she completes it, she’ll come see us.”

Tayo stretched out his hand to Lade. Anger was still marked in his eyes but he seemed to have eased up significantly. He pulled her up and steered her to her bedroom.

β€œTayo will kill that guy,” Dapo stated.

β€œNot before I’m done with him,” Toni replied. She couldn’t understand why she was calm. It was probably because she wanted to hear Manny confess to her all on his own.

β€œThe moment Tayo leaves here,” Dapo continued, β€œManny is finished. The only way to save him is to have him arrested now.”

β€œThen we shouldn’t waste time.” Andre stood.

β€œI will handle it, Fabrice. Just leave Manny to me.”

β€œWe’ll handle it together,” Dapo said.

β€œNo. Everyone should relax. I know Manny personally and I will take care of this. Trust me.”

Andre took her hand. He brushed his lips on her cheek. β€œI’ll dash to the mainland, fix some things and come back soon.”


She walked him to his car. When they stepped out, she threw her arms over his shoulders and drew herself up for a kiss that lingered. After his departure, Dapo also announced that he was leaving. He promised to return by evening. Toni observed how Leticia pretended not to have heard him but a sideways glance from her gave her away.

As she withdrew into her bedroom, Toni went after her.

β€œHe’s still a boy, Tish.”

Leticia spun around, startled by Toni’s presence.

β€œDapo. That’s who I’m talking about before you start acting like you don’t know what I mean. I saw you guys touching yourselves in this room a short while ago.”

Leticia leaned on her dressing table and tried to maintain a carefree appearance. Toni wasn’t moved by it. She gave her a stern face.

β€œI don’t know much about him but I know you and how much of a slut you can be.”

Leticia stopped smiling.

β€œAnd also how fragile you are. If it so happens that one of you is there for the just sex and the other is in for real, it’s going to end badly. And I don’t want to be involved. So, please, just keep your shit away from me. I don’t want you to come and gist me about my brother’s whatever or how he did what to you. And please, don’t moan loudly like you always do whenever something is happening to you. Just keep your shit out of my life.”

β€œI will.”

β€œBy the way, I’m disappointed.”

β€œI like him, Toni, and I want something serious to happen between us.”

β€œYou have a problem. A guy fucks you and you start loving him. Izu has not even been exorcised from your life yet.”

β€œDapo and I have not had sex…”

β€œYet,” Toni completed. She slammed the door on her way out.

To be continued…


To continue this story, click HERE


Author. Screenwriter. Blogger

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  1. Jay says:

    Sally, Oh My Sally!!!! Take, chop kiss first?
    The news of Novocaine knights meets It’s another Saturday is enough to make me have an amazing day?
    Oya, lemme rush to go read TFF and I will sure come back to drop my comments.
    Thanks boo

  2. justDotun says:

    What a way to start my day. Thanks for this post and mighty thanks for the new stories coming up. Am officially a Sallymaniac. *kiss kiss*
    I hope Christie tells Folarin Abt her past o. And the woman part of me prays for a miracle for Lade. Poor girl.

  3. Rukayat says:

    Hey! Beautiful piece

  4. Miss B says:

    Thank God you feel much better Sally,thanks for giving more than we can ever think of, especially your family for giving u the time to write, Thank you for allowing us in to your world and thank you for being u.thank God for Christie and Folarin, it’s not easy to forgive and forget,just wondering where Raji is? I hope Izu actually means what he said. The power of forgiveness, healing, acceptance is deeper than we can ever imagine.

  5. taymeah says:


  6. Adeola gem says:

    Thanks ms Sally for this lengthy episode, most especially for christie and folarin, i pity manny o…whatever tone has planned for him. So sorry for your loss lade, some times life is a bitch but miracle can still happen…who knows but ms sally still hold d pen, let’s hope she favour you. May God bless you more for this wonderful episode ma’am. You are such a genius. My warm regards to makayla…I just read her true story a while ago. Really, you are very bold and selfless, thanks for sharing the heart touching experience. I love you again and again. I thank God for the day I discovered your blog. You are a blessing.

  7. Yugo says:

    Sally Sally, u b beta bae. All these series for us? Abeg make I follow Jay give u another kiss. I’m a big sucker for ur writing.
    Meanwhile I almost cried wit Fola and Christie’s make up.
    Manny run for ur miserable life.

  8. mariam says:

    Hugs and kisses Sally!

  9. Seyifunmi says:

    Wooooooooooooow.. .. Sally le best ???? have been reading different blogs, non of them have been consistent as you. It’s been 3years since I started reading your blog and you have never dissapointed. Thanks for always being there. More ink to your pen ma’am.
    P. S I love the ending to his little black book. Not every story must have a happy ending

  10. Ritzy says:

    yaaaaaaaay! Sally have u told you I love you recently? well…. I LOVE YOU!!!! Now I’ll just cross my legs and wait till evening.

  11. Haleemah says:

    The long awaited episode. Great job, Sally. And hard luck about your bad mood. We all get them once in a while.
    I’m so in love with Folarin and Christie. Thank God they found themselves again. And pls, give them their baby ehn.
    Pls, the clan should do something serious (but legal o) to Manny, he needs his brain to be set right.
    Toni, pls allow Tish ehn, that might be her only one true love.
    Can’t wait for the remaining half of the final episode.
    And yes! It’s Another Novocaine Saturday is going to be such a great read. I can feel it in my bones.
    Cheers Sally!

  12. Temmy says:

    Love is in the air oo,Manny really fucked up tho……tnx Sally, bin waiting for this since like forever

  13. wumi says:

    Goodnews you have for us today. Another reason to love you more. Hope you are good now Sally.
    I can’t imagine what will happen to Manny with four strong enemies, the competition is now who get him first. I believe Lade will heal up fine.
    Aunty Leticia and Dapo! Can’t deal. I like the way Dapo calls Toni sis.

  14. Temmy says:

    Love is in the air, Manny is a jerk…tnx sally, I’ve bin waiting for this since like forever

  15. Dakpemien says:

    So even with all the ‘gra gra’ folarin could not keep his hands to himself till after christy’s bday. Nice job Sally

  16. Dupe says:

    Oh my! God bless u Salz.

  17. Gloria A says:

    Yet another catchy episode… Manny is in deep shit he should brace up for it. I’m glad Folarin has finally forgiven Christie. Thanks Sally for the good news and for this wonderful episode….

  18. omotola says:

    Sally is simply the best writer I av ever come across. Iv bn an ardent follower since the past 3 years ,she is ever consistent nd knows how to make up for the times she can’t post. I was surprised to read that some ingrates wud call my sally ‘ lazy ‘. The long episodes speak for themselves,some people need to keep their mouths shut wen they av nothing good to say. To sally, keep up the good work love, the Lord wud continue to fill up ur ink of knowledge. *xoxo*

  19. Fsf says:

    Thanks Sally,hope you are feeling extremely good now…Toni be cool joor and Folarin thank you for forgiving Christie

  20. Oluwakemi says:

    Sally dear…. thanks a bunch.

  21. Gerald says:

    Sally never disappoints. Effortlessly maintaining her position as my favourite blogger.
    As for Christie and Fola, I’m so happy for them.
    Your number 4th ‘Sallyista’, Gerald

  22. Gorgeous says:

    Goodness gracious, you are the best writer in the whole wide world

  23. Homojem says:

    Yaay. Tanks for making my day Sally. U rock as always. xoxo.

  24. Scribbledheartbreak says:

    I read and re-read and will continue reading because i love this piece…..will be waiting for part 2, and a million thanks to you Sally for a job well done.. πŸ™‚

  25. Amina says:

    Raji have you committed suicide? Sal thank you and thank you for ‘its another saturday and NK. I love the continuity that comes with your stories. Superbly unique

  26. Duro says:

    Thank u Sally….brilliant piece sha+novo nights πŸ™‚

  27. Jkheni says:

    thank you for this series Sally, it might be fiction but u have gain some insights I find useful in real life….I used the ingoings esp btw The Folarins as an example with my Social work 300 level students yesterday especially on the need for effective communication as a problem solving skill, during the discussion I used the cheating scenario to explain how difficult it is how African men (no matter howl cosmopolitan) tend not to forgive cheating wives easily and expect forgiveness from the wives if they cheat. I concluded by telling them that in giving solutions to clients within adultery problems that do not want separation or divorce(esp if the husband is the guilty party), any solution proffered will not be effective if the husband do not realise that either deliberately or not he had been the push/causal factor in one way for the other for hush wife cheating, it is then forgiveness and effective reconciliation will take place and that is where they (I.e my students) should be of utmost priority….. I’m recommending this series to my students as reference point… thank you Sally.
    N.b as an assignment I asked to recommend the most effective means of initiating reconciliation btw the Folarins, I hope none of them are readers of this series……you don give them expose

  28. Jkheni says:

    Novo is back yohooo…..

  29. Jkheni says:

    Novo is back yohooo……It’s hard using the fone to type long responses and not make typos abeg idea ni koko

  30. Olamide says:

    Sally, I love you! Thanks for always giving us the best. I’m happy for Christie and Folarin. Forgiveness is not easy at all. I think Leticia will stick with Dapo. Manny is a dead man. Patiently waiting for the next episode.

  31. Carah says:

    Sallyyyyyyyyyyy you are the real mvp. Yes , It’s another saturday+novocaine knight ??? can’t wait for them .
    Toni shd let leticia and dapo date . He might be her knight in shinning armour??.Manny doesn’t know wat is abt to befall him???. Folarin and Christies part got me emotional ??like!!! Thank God they are out of dt zone and he has forgiven her. Thumbs up sal?. I love you plenty?????

  32. omotee says:

    Wish I can get into your head then I can get to read these beautiful stories without mb or even phone .????.God bless you Sal and all of urs.May your days be long and filled with God goodness. I av a question though do husbands forgive wifes infidelity in Nigeria

  33. Oluwakemi says:

    Thank you Sally, thank you for always. I appreciate you and please do never forget that.
    As for TFF, i am glad Christie and Folarin are back, and i hope them babies do come pretty fast especially with all these ’em loving. Manny deserves what is coming his way jare but i just want it to be from Toni let Tayo not go and put himself in one gbege. Abeg, let Lade find a surrogate mother jare, it will still be her egg and her husband’s sperm.
    Thank you for bringing back our favourite casts with the latest series coming up, i can already picture Genesis and Honey being close friends with all ’em coaching she got from her during her bridal showers.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend Darl. looking forward to E21

  34. solar says:

    I love every bit of dis episode…..nice one Sally your ink will never run dry

  35. Sandra says:

    Awwwww Sally boo. I cld literally taste the sweetness of this post on my lips. Loved every bit… Ehrm am sha not just loving leticia and dapo combo..7yrs? Dats craddle snatching. Pls how r salma and Ahmed doing??? And the stories coming up.. ???thanks a zillion. ??????

  36. adebayo says:

    I stumbled on your blog about 3weeks back and mhen…I haven’t stopped telling people about it. Thank you for doing this for the love of doing it. Blessings!

  37. cleo says:

    Great episode. Some people are so insensitive. And i believe the cannot even pen a paragraph. I write academic papers, and so i know a lot goes into writing. Sally please don’t mind them. i know it is hard to ignore though.
    I am so excited for a new it’s another saturday with novocaine . cant wait. The combination of all those characters will be awesome.
    I loved the ending of the first Little Black Book.
    But i know that you will work wonders with another twist. Will follow it on convo.
    Weldone Sally. More grease to your elbow

  38. bola says:

    U r too much my Sal….well done

  39. MissBosola says:

    Sally you are the best, you made my day thanks darlyn. Am happy Folarin and Christie made up, although forgiveness is deeper than we can imagine like some one commented. Manny will get what he deserves and Tish shouldn’t use Dapo and dump him o, I hope she’s for real. Waiting for the concluding part.

  40. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. Dats all

  41. ola says:

    Next episode plsss

  42. reni says:

    i always knew Lade was going to find out what Manny did. he is so dead! lol. dont even know whose plans would be worse for him- Tayo or Toni.
    as for Tish and Dapo….i think they”ll be good for each other .
    im glad christie and folarin are finally working out their issues….but i dont know if folarin can handle the truth about christie and solomon…
    Sally….you’re an awesome writer.

  43. Jay says:

    Okay, so I’m really not in support of Tish and dapo’s relationship. Aunty Leticia should go find her mate abeg.
    I knew Manny died the day he made that decision. Only waiting for the manifestation.
    I’m happy for Christie and folarin. Forgiveness is everything!
    #Tondre growing strong everyday?
    Thanks sally for this episode

  44. Seye says:

    Thank you Sally, thanks for these stories, thanks for the very open lessons and the hidden ones.
    Thanks for giving us Folarin and Christie, and for letting us know the importance of forgiveness.
    Thanks for Andre and Toni, and for showing us seemingly impossibles are definitely possible.
    Thanks for Tayo, Lade and Manny. For Tayo, learning to be not so judgmental and chase the ones who matter away; For Lade, that life may not be absolutely in your favour but the love of people around can help in defeating the challenges; For Manny, that not all help is genuine, that not everyone who appears to be a helper actually is, that overbearing ‘love’ isn’t LOVE.
    I seriously anticipate the combo of Novocaine Knights and Its Another Saturday.
    I find it hard to leave this till daybreak to read like I normally do.
    Thanks for sharing these stories with us Sally. Blessings…

  45. Pacesetter says:

    hummm, thank God forgiveness, it heals everyone. thanks Sally.

  46. anita says:

    Chai..chai…. Sally!!! I ddnt read dis bt i sipped it until it was finished now i am drunk.. Sally u re in compere wit d likes of Francine Rivers. Karen kingsbury. Frank Peretti. U R GOOD. Tnks u made my day.. Pls i dnt receive regular post dis days anymore. Pls do snd.. Ur private lounge do grant me access. I wuld luv to read some post der

  47. anita says:

    Chai..chai…. Sally!!! I ddnt read dis bt i sipped it until it was finished now i am drunk.. Sally u re in compere wit d likes of Francine Rivers. Karen kingsbury. Frank Peretti. U R GOOD. Tnks u made my day.. Pls i dnt receive regular post dis days anymore. Pls do snd.. Ur private lounge do grant me access. I wuld luv to read some post der.tnks once again

  48. Bimz says:

    Sally Salz, you is da bomb. Don’t mind the haturrs. Empty kpomkpom na hin de make the loudest noise. Real recognises Real.
    So I’m happy for Christina and Folarin. She deserved the punishment and Larin is not an ‘alaseju’ thankfully.
    I no de put hand for Leticia and Dapo relationship o,mbanu. Make eet stoppp!!
    Trailer is about to jam Manny.
    Time to let Anouk go Dre.
    Kisses Salz

  49. Toyenlon says:

    So happy for Christie that Folarin has decided to forgive her, forgiveness is good. Manny will not know what hit him with all these people planning for him but he deserves whatever happens to him sha.

  50. Ifeanyi Onochie says:

    Good read. I really don’t want to be in Folarin”s shoes because I’m not sure I’ll be as forgiving as he has been if my future wife messes up like Christie.

    Toni should free Leticia, abeg. If Dapo likes her, what’s her own? She has yet to remove the log in her eyes.

    I don’t know how you manage to weave all these stories but kudos to you! Having “It’s Another Saturday” and “Novocaine Knights” again is welcome news.

  51. mystiq18 says:

    Have I told u how much I love you lately…. am out of my shell again…waiting anxiously. God bless u Sal.
    If I lay my eyes on DAT Manny guy ehhn…n to think ii chose him over tayo.

  52. Ok, so I absolutely loved this episode. Wow! Folarin, after all the forming lol. But I guess he had to forgive Christie at some point.
    Manny, I knew it. You’re a dead man. But I’m surprised Tony isn’t taking some responsibility. If Folarin can admit to pushing Christie to cheat then Tony should admit responsibility for pushing Lade to Manny and then this. After all, Manny was only trying to severe all ties Lade had with Tony because he was abusive. Harsh but effective.

    Now, Novocaine and Saturday. I’m more curious than excited. After reading both series, I felt they’d been concluded properly. What else is there to tell? But this is Sally’s show, and you never underestimate Sally. So I’m just gonna chill and see how this plays out

  53. CHUCHI says:

    Am really disappointed that you went all the way to block me off…that you posted how others are taking your work and posting it as there’s,I called them lazy writers…abeg o read my comment again,I never directed it to you being lazy ma’am!..sha,na me carry my self come be your money you dey make?..I really deserve you long lettered acted too fast,like we had issues

  54. AOS says:

    It’s took me almost all night and still digesting all the episodes have missed. Thank you so much dearie…..xoxo.

  55. let me try again.

    I did not see Christie and fola reunion. Okay maybe I suspected but never expected it. such is very rare. if only we can learn to forgive one another and fight for what we love.

    more drama in Tonis family.
    thanks Sally for this episode and other goodies to come.

  56. Haryoka says:

    Happy folarin could realize his mistake

  57. ronnie says:

    Awesome piece as usual u sure made my weekend…well done dear

  58. imotolab2014 says:

    whoa…..…i av no comments. the master writer Neva disappoints. Neva!

  59. Fragile says:

    Aunty Sally… I just started this series cos ive been offline for a while… Guess who made a reference to Novocaine Knights in her final project? Yup, me. N my prof is already hooked on ur blog. But me i dont like Tayo o. Manny was an idiot but he is better for Lade… Love u plenty

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