Book Store, Stranger In Lagos

Where To Find Stranger In Lagos

Happy new month, everyone!

I hope y’all are doing great? Wishing you a blessed month ahead.

So, I recently put up Stranger In Lagos on Amazon, and since then people have been asking when it’ll get on Okadabooks. Others have asked for PDF copies. This post is to give you full publishing details of the book.

I published Stranger In Lagos on Amazon, because I needed it there to allow me apply for a writing fellowship grant. One of the criteria requires that you either have a paperback or a book recently published on Amazon. Hence, my reason for publishing it there. Stranger In Lagos would be out in November this year or early December. Maybe even October. It all depends on the publishing house and their process.

The other day I shared my story and how I fell out with CMS Bookshops. One of the reasons I shared that story is for writers to learn from my experience. I also wanted readers and lovers of literature to see how tough the terrain is for writers, and stop expecting too much from them as regards paperback copies of their books. Writers and readers should appreciate the art and effort put into E-books.

Getting Stranger In Lagos on paperback has been an interesting journey. I have gotten quotations from different printing companies and vanity presses. The least quotation I have received for the book is 1.8 million naira. The highest is 3.1 million. This is just to have the book in print. It doesn’t cover distribution and marketing. Looking at those numbers, please tell me how many writers in Nigeria can afford to have their books out there. Of course, there are factors involved when it comes to printing your book. Book size and numbers of copies printed are to be noted. Stranger In Lagos is bulky, so I didn’t expect that I’ll get cheap quotations. That being said, our publishing industry is still stiff.

There’s a lot that can be said about the entire business of writing in Nigeria and why it is not where it is supposed to be today, but I will keep that discussion to a later time. All I can assure you is that it would get worse unless the major publishing houses and printing presses decide to wake up in the twenty-first century. They need to find ways to bring value to Nigerians through literature, just as the entertainment industry has done. A lot of publishers right now, rather than fix the problem, seek ways to fleece writers.

I contacted two foreign publishers, and I can tell you that my experience with them has been amazing. Unfortunately, I had to drop one. The one I picked was because of the packages they offered. Their process is smooth, stress-free and affordable. They make the entire journey easy for you, and all you have to do is hand your book over to them and rest. If you don’t want to use them and you want traditional publishing, they will submit your book to publishers abroad and help you secure a contract. If you publish with them, you are entitled to benefits, which include book reviews on major websites like the New York Times, distribution all over the world, and submitting your book to Hollywood producers if they think it is worth turning into a movie. They have helped make this happen to some of their writers. Such movies went on to be blockbusters. I am not looking to have all of that, though. I just want my book out there.

Their services are not cheap, but they are way cheaper than what I have been offered here in Nigeria. Secondly when the book comes out, distribution and sales would be on demand. You order for the book directly from the publishers or their distributors here in Nigeria, and you get it delivered to you. I would also be having limited author copies that you can order directly from me, which I would autograph. Either way, you will have Stranger In Lagos in your hands when the time comes. Just be patient.

I don’t know when it would go on Okadabooks. If I put it up there, it would have to be close to the price of the paperback, and since that one isn’t out yet, I can’t publish it for now. The book is bulky, like my other books; pricing would depend on the number of pages.

So, that’s that! I’m sorry for boring you this cool morning. I just wanted to make things clear for everyone because I’ve been receiving a lot of questions.

Where To Find Breasts returns this weekend with two episodes. The rest of the year already has me swamped with work, and that’s why I’m erratic on the blog. I’m still working hard to see that Biyankavitch comes out by December. E-book, of course.

If you have access to Kindle Amazon (it’s not available in Nigeria), you can buy Stranger In Lagos >>>>HERE or just search your kindle for it. Please, leave a review of the book. It would increase my chances of getting the grant. Thank you.

Have a great week!


Author. Screenwriter. Blogger

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  1. Busrah says:

    Ok. WOW! Well-done Ms Sally. May God make it easy for you and for us.. Aamin

    1. Sally says:

      Amen. Thank you

  2. Sekinat says:

    Wishing you All the very best..
    Thumbs up

    1. Sally says:

      Thank you πŸ™

  3. Haleemah says:

    One of the things I really appreciate and admire about you is the way you always keep your readers updated. You don’t mind the fact that you’re an awesome writer and most readers always refresh your blog for the latest from you and always update us on the latest. God bless you plenty ma’am. We’re (im)patiently waiting for Stranger in Lagos to debut 😊

    1. Sally says:

      Many thanks, Halima. You’re deeply appreciated

  4. iamhollarmii says:

    All the best Sally. We go no where

    1. Fehintola says:

      Will patiently await Stranger in Lagos to be sold….Thanks for the update Sally. So looking forward to the weekend.

      1. Sally says:

        Thank you, Fehintola

    2. Sally says:

      Bless you!

  5. Nneka says:

    You’ve just made my holiday memorable. Already downloaded the book on my kindle with a glass of wine. I’m sure as usual this book will be great.
    Thank you!!!!

    1. Sally says:

      Yay! Thanks a lot

  6. Rikitava says:

    We are here, we are waiting and will keep waiting till the paper back comes out. We appreciate your effort and pray that the almighty reward you greatly and all these will yield good fruits. Go Sally! πŸ˜˜πŸ€—

    1. Sally says:

      Amen, girl.
      Thanks, dear

  7. Seye says:

    Big ups Sally. You touched on many things taht writers are facing in this country. Its really disheartening but seeing people like you brave the odds is something that is encouraging to some of us.
    Congratulations once again. WE stay posted.

    1. Sally says:

      Thanks muchos, Seye

  8. modupe says:

    Hey MAMA , well done .. and congratulations and we will buy the books and we will read and we will be glad we did…

    Hugs and lights Sal,

    1. Sally says:

      Thanks, luv

  9. Beebee says:

    Thanks Sally, I’ve been searching all through the week all to no avail. I can’t wait to buy and read Stranger in Lagos. God bless you real big and i pray you get the grant. Looking forward to WTFB weekend….

  10. Funmilola Adekola says:

    Sally may the Almighty bless your hustle. We’ll all be part of your success story! Keep it up Sis! You’re amazing!!!

  11. WhyAminah says:

    Thanks for the update Sally. Congratulations.

  12. Oluwakemi Obilade says:

    Why am I just seeing this.

    Not sure I can wait, let me see if I can remember my kindle log in details.

    Well done Sally!

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